The time method! A trick to making perfect snowboys if you're bad at judging size/proportions


Always ignored
Aug 14, 2020
Goose Isle
Red Star Fragment
Purple Bat Potion
White Rose
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Black Hybrid Rose
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Spirit Candy: Pierrot
Blue Star Fragment
White Cosmos
White Lily
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but it's the only way I was able to make a perfect snowboy. I tried looking at the various guides online of how big to make my snowballs and kept messing it up. I found the time method on this site and finally was able to do it.

  1. first kick each snowball until you can roll it (It took me 13 kicks each time I tried it)
  2. roll the body for 17 seconds (use a timer or you can count them, I'm bad at counting so I used my phone)
  3. roll the head for 12 seconds
  4. push them together! Make sure you keep them close together when you're rolling them you don't go over the time
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Thanks so much for sharing this because it worked first try! I was getting quite frustrated by having to restart because I kept messing up making a perfect Snowboy. Even though I know what to look for I find it pretty hard to judge the proportions.
Thanks for this! Anything to stop me from making another monstrosity like this again. I feel sorry for him. 😶


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I got a perfect snowman on the first try yesterday. I kind of gauged it and remembered how I had to do them in NL. If you do go over the size just place some qr paths down and roll the ball over it until it's at a good size.
This is so far the only method to work for me so far!! The ear one never works for me, and somehow the rolling on 10 path tiles doesn't either. I was kinda skeptical because I was counting in my head but as long as I spaced out the "seconds" the same for both 17 and 12 in my head, it worked!
Just wanted to say thank you for flagging this up. I have my perfect Snowboy ☃️


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Tysm! I was using the eyes/ears method but could not get it to work today. Switched to timing and made the cutest little perfect snowboy.
This... seems WAY more complicated than anything I could manage, but hey, I'm glad it's working for people!

Personally, the only "method" I used was making one ball as big as can be, and making the other a size below (I remembered that was the right ratio from ACNL). Took me awhile to figure out when it was right, but now I've got it down. I don't think I would've been able to do it so easily if I wasn't used to making them in ACNL, though! (and I do appreciate how much easier they are then in ACNL, when you needed to make MULTIPLE sizes of Snowman/Snowmam/Snowboy with proper proportions to get all the items)

But the guide I saw mentioning being ear level and eye level made zero sense to me. I tried it multiple times, but it seemed to be a different level depending on the perspective, and it was just way too confusing.
Thank you for this information! This is especially helpful as my second new island doesn't have anything unlocked yet so I can't to the 10 tile method (not that I would have room lol). ❄
This... seems WAY more complicated than anything I could manage, but hey, I'm glad it's working for people!.

Are you using a timer or counting in your head? I think using a timer would be complicated. I just count in my head. 17 seconds for the bottom, 12 for the top. Of course you need to keep them close by, otherwise you're gaining extra seconds moving the head closer to the base.
Are you using a timer or counting in your head? I think using a timer would be complicated. I just count in my head. 17 seconds for the bottom, 12 for the top. Of course you need to keep them close by, otherwise you're gaining extra seconds moving the head closer to the base.
I just don't think either would work for me- but I haven't tried it because I've got it pretty much down just be eyeballing the snowballs. I'd say I used the "practice makes perfect" method, lol. BUT I also played ACNL and remember the basic proportions from that game, so that definitely helped me get the hang of it quicker (I feel like the snowballs are way easier to control in this game, too)

I can't believe it either! Literally moments ago I responded to another thread about not having been able to do this in 30 snowmen, but then I buckled down to try this method (definitely expecting it to not work) AND IT WORKED. This is a far smaller snowman than traditional ear-based guides recommend, but it may be because I counted kind of fast? I think it's the ratio that matters!

I recommend "no body, no crime" by Taylor Swift on her new album. I counted along to that beat. Thanks, Taylor! Coincidentally, it's her birthday today, too! I better do the rest of these snowmen today before the luck runs out.
This is a far smaller snowman than traditional ear-based guides recommend, but it may be because I counted kind of fast? I think it's the ratio that matters!

Yeah, it's the ratio that matters. I believe the size of the head just needs to be 90% of the body. Other methods will require the player to make the base of the snowman to the maximum snowball size, while this method seems to allow you to make it smallest the game will allow for, which in turn, at least in my opinion, makes it easier and quicker.

I had success with this method again today.

To anyone looking to try or having trouble, I would recommend attempting to count in your head as this will reduce the amount of effort to put one together, compared to using external tools like stopwatches or songs. Since your town may have obstacles or just not enough space to roll for 17 straight seconds, your counting may be broken up. So having to stop and start a stopwatch can get tedious. You're ability to keep track of seconds accurately may not be perfect, but since the ratio is all that matters, as long as you keep the same pace when counting for both the top and bottom, they should come out to the perfect ratio.
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