The Town of Versai


Senior Member
Nov 12, 2008
Current Status of Versai: Gates Closed
Fruits: Oranges, Coconuts, Peaches, Cherries, Apples (Native), Pears (Limited)
Store: Nookway
Please ask before picking fruits, or picking up items. NEVER under any circumstance will you dig anything up in my town. And ask before buying items from stores. Try not to crush my small amount of flowers.

Town Name: Versai
Character Name: Alis
Friend Code: 3008-1574-4211

-I have Wii Speak
-Don't mind the use of bad words
-My grass is square

If you want to be added let me know, but also need to get to know you. My roster is full and I will delete some if I like you. ^^

Just to let you know, I like to take pictures. I know it sounds creepy but I add them to my Myspace. So if I tell you let's take pics, don't use text because then the text bubbles ruin the pictures and take forever to go away.

*Bob (!!!)

House Status:
Second Floor

Town Upgrades: None :( Maybe you can help change that? :O

Wish List:
Link's Cap
Pikmin Hat
Tortoise Glasses
Blue Pom Pom Hat

Here are some pictures of me in my town. I'm the boy. ^^
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

Click down there to read a Quick little Fan Fiction about my Town and Character.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Introduction: Here's a little history about Versai. Quick summary actually. In the beginning, there was a young boy named Ricky, who moved into a small village full of talking animals; this village was Castillo. Then one night a meteor crashed into the village and the animals began to attack. With the trains passing by the virus spread; it soon became a Wild World. New security measures were put in place; friend codes, and gates. My new town was Castle. However somebody found a cure a few years later, and the world rejoiced. The government however has been hunting me down over the years. They believe I will expose their secret, for they created the virus. Back in 05 I changed my name to Alex. Now it is Alis. In 2008 I moved into a new town, Versai; where Tortimer and I are finally ready to expose their dark secret. We created a group called the AC Brigade for the cause, but it seems they have succeeded in taking down our group. I haven't heard of senior members for quite some time. My aspirations for the future is to finally succeed in exposing their dark secrets and putting their leader into a prison cell. My name is Alis, and everyone I knew a few years ago has died, but I remember, everything; and soon this now tamed world will be exposed with the truth.</div>
Could I come and steal some fruities?
I only have pears, so if you need some you can have some of mine :D
SAMwich said:
Could I come and steal some fruities?
I only have pears, so if you need some you can have some of mine :D
Well wasn't really planning on meeting anyone tonight. I just needed to make a town profile. Besides all my fruits except for my apples are picked clean. You should come when I have all the fruits grown since I sold them for mortgage moneys.
i really love your town fanfiction
you have a great <big>imagination</big>! kind of like me....but better :p

im glad you came to my egg hunt because i made a <big>super duper cool</big> new friend! :DD

thanks for being so nice to me and helping me out with my town....apples! :)
your welcome at my town anytime! :)
QNT3N said:
He has a really cool town, and he's nice to. Reccomended.

Question mark? ;p

Ok...let me summarize Bones.He is one of the nicest guy on the net.Gave me something I really needed.Thanks by the way.Your town ain't half bad either,Bones.Actually,not even close.Nice name,nice guy,great personality,perfect friend.


Oh,god..your myspace too.xD
Wow I really enjoyed you summary!
It was pretty cool to see that your creative as well as nice. ^__^
You have an awesome town!
Aw thanks guys! You're all too kind. ;DD
@Muse: Omg you saw my Myspace...>.< I'm sorry. Lol.

@sketch haha you thought it was funny? :O
This guy's a good one to trade with!
I traded my TriForce and a blue pompom hat, and I was very pleased!
His town's pretty cool, and he's very nice!

You should get to know him!