SHE ISNT EVEN THAT UGLY THOUGH, but I had all my dreamies except for one, and she was in the space I needed for my last dreamie..and it took me an HOUR to TT back and fourth until she pinged to move.. ugh.
Quillison made me reset my town.
Apart from Molly, Drake, Bill and Scoot, all of the ducks are as ugly as hell (my opinion) did someone at nintendo have a grudge against ducks?
Frobert I couldn't love any more! I LOVE frogs in this game, and he is the cutest of them all!
Mac is SO COOL! He's my bestest AC friend!
Hazel is REALLY cute, and I'd love to have her some day!
Coco, oh, Coco, I ADORE! I want her too some day!
I think the uglies are the sweetest villagers <3
I've gotten Groucho, Claus, Frita, and Hippeux out of my town thank godHowever, I'm still trying to get T-bone, Hamphrey, and Peewee out. It's a real struggle
My friend has it waaaay worse though. She has 2 hippos and 1 chicken which I find....ew
before i started obtaining my dreamies my town was fULL of them and i just couldn't........ keaton was so arrogant though, he always put the wrong coloured flowers EVERYWHEre oh god