The Villager Giveaway Thread!

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Hey everyone, I was trying to trade Bunnie to someone, but she moved out! I thought I told her not to move, but she did anyway. Is anyone looking to get rid of Bunnie? MojoRisin wants her! I feel awful losing her.
Suddenly fell in love with Phoebe the ostrich! PM me please if you have her and willing to give her away! :D
Dotty just asked to move, so looking for my last dreamie Marshal!
I've been looking for him for over a month.

Up for grabs:

Please PM me if you are selling/giving him away/or see someone selling/giving him away, ty!

Shep the smug dog is leaving my second town. I was originally holding him for someone until they cycled through 16 villagers so they could get him back but they decided to give up on cycling through sadly. D: & My second option has a full town. So I need him to go to a good home. I'd really like him to go to someone who has him as a dream villager, so if he's honestly a dream villager of yours, send me a PM. c:

Edit: He found a home. <3
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Laying down for the night, will be abck around 6:30PM EST Tomorrow! If anyone gets Cole or Ankha I'd love to get them! I have space and everything! Night all!
Oops I posted wrong earlier, I meant to send that link to my friend to play this game with me and I ended up sending it to the forums!

All I'm seeking now is Marshal and Marina then I can use my sisters file to cycle villagers for people for freeee.
I think I might go to bed right now or just play a little on 3ds. Looking for Whitney and Kyle!
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