The Wishing Well

I wish for a single blue pansy. Just one so I can breed a few for the small rainbow I'm creating in my garden. (I'm usually pretty good with making hybrids, but I can't get one for the life of me 😆 oof)
Eh what the heck. I haven't made a wish in a good long time and I have been granting when I can so I'll aim for the fences with this one. I would be happy with any of my dreamies but I'm short on Nmt or tbt (every time I make an offer someone outbids me). I would love to have Judy, Sherb, Ankha, or Julia. I know some of those are super popular so it's a major long shot but that's what a wish is. <3

EDIT: POSSIBLY WISH GRANTED, just working it out with Bethboj for Ankha. Thank you to fallenchaoskitten, if things don't work out I'll hit you up! <3
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I’m still waiting to find the dark Lilly wreath DIY but in the meantime I’d love if someone could make me the wreath.
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Eh what the heck. I haven't made a wish in a good long time and I have been granting when I can so I'll aim for the fences with this one. I would be happy with any of my dreamies but I'm short on Nmt or tbt (every time I make an offer someone outbids me). I would love to have Judy, Sherb, Ankha, or Julia. I know some of those are super popular so it's a major long shot but that's what a wish is. <3
... 2 things.
1. do you TT?
3. would you be able to get an open plot in roughly 4-5 days?
I have Ankha's amiibo and I think I need to invite her 1 more time before I can get her in?

Either way I could get her in and back out in about 5 days. I don't TT nor do I have another other amiibo built up to get her into boxes within a couple days. I also wouldn't be able to hold her for very long because the next villager I was going to work on is someone for my cycle thread... Which can be the villager I kick Ankha out with can be the villager for the cycle thread (since the "winner" of that contest isn't set to start have their pick to move into til the 15th) so it would work out ok.
I’m still waiting to find the dark Lilly wreath DIY but in the meantime I’d love if someone could make me the wreath, I could even provide the lilies
I can craft u one. Have the lillies and a crafting table ready. Pm me dodo code when u want me to drop by.
You know what I have to retract that I don’t have enough black lilies, I only have four
I have a garden of black lilies. I take lunch from work in just over 3 hours. If you need them for crafting still, I will gladly allow you to come through and harvest what you need.
Hi I'm back with another wish! I wish for another lucky cat, can't seem to find one in Nook's Cranny lol
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Hi I'm back with another wish! I wish for another lucky cat, can't seem to find one in Nook's Cranny lol
I don’t have the lucky cat, just wanted to say that is an item from Gulliver, I spent weeks searching for it at nooks until someone told me :cry: , still haven’t got it