The Wishing Well

I wish for the black framed outdoor table, I would be willing to give NMT or igb for it in exchange it's all I need to complete my outdoor market! Would also be happy just to catalog too T^T
I'd hate to seem greedy by using this thread again in the same day, but just to put it out here... I'd really love to catalog these last 5 items for my clothing catalog. I can order anything from the reorderable furniture, clothing, wallpaper, flooring or rug catalog in exchange.

New Year's Hat (Blue)
New Year's Hat (Orange)
New Year's Silk Hat (Green)
New Year's Silk Hat (Pink)
Terry-cloth Socks (Red)

Got them! Thank you all!
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I'd love to catalog any of the impish wings if possible, can pay a nmt per wing !
Edit sorry found pirate treasure chest!
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Wishing for an ironwood cupboard diy card <3
I wish for the bug variant of the book! :eek:

I have every other type except the one I actually want :(

Edit: Wish granted thanks to @TaylaJade :D
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