Banned because *winkwink* ~
Banned because 1,997 posts.
Banned because *winkwink* ~
Banned because you like to save me from embarrassment and for this I thank you. x//x
Banned because I can never thank you enough oh god my heart sank.because I can't be like Rize and be all confident with my flirting yo.
Banned because I'm now breaking your chain
Banned for allowing our chain to be broken D:
banned for both ruling and owning this thread
Banned because you noticed something I didn't notice at all.
Prabha is too smexy for me but like I'll try to romance that D;
banned for ninja'ing me
Banned because you are literally the most observant person I know~ <3
Thank you! I think I'll try to win her over with roses when we go on our first official date.
Banned because yes! your observation skills need to be banned because they are so good.
You should totally wish me luck because PrabPup is my OTP and Ima work for it! <3
Banned because you used to seem stalkerish! but then I got used to it so it's okay. <3
I'M HOPING SO, *Blushes* I'm so ready for our date, I want Prabha to be the happiest wife in the world because she deserves nothing less.