The "You're Banned" Game

Banned for calling me a pervert when you started it. XD

Banned because heh, that's what you think. You could've clicked links from my page and took your stalking to a whole new level.

Banned because hey, at least I found a naughty side of you. :p

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Banned because it's not really a clickable link, and I never thought to look further than that "about" page...

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Banned because you started the attitude throwing.

Banned because nuh uh you did.
Banned because there's a home page too~ So much material for lurking/stalking.

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Banned because um... what? So confused right now. .-.

Banned because I'm in your nightmares. That's why you're confused. ;)
Banned because there's a home page too~ So much material for lurking/stalking.

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Banned because um... what? So confused right now. .-.

Banned because yeah I noticed.
stole your thing :p

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Banned because hey, at least I found a naughty side of you. :p

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Banned because nuh uh you did.

Banned because no. You did.
Banned for calling me "homie". :p

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Banned because you stole my thing.
I bet you're lurking there right now.

Banned for backing me up.

I had the home page open, in another tab, but I was drawing...So, you're banned.
Ricky's the one you gotta worry about.
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Banned because awesome! I didn't know you were an artist~

Banned because I try...I wouldn't consider myself an artist or good at it, but I try. I think I do alright.
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