The "You're Banned" Game

Banned because it means exactly what it says.

Banned because hey it's good to know you hate someone more then me.

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Banned because I am calm! I just don't want other people to suffer. ;w;

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Banned because the site glitched on me...

Banned because did you post the same post like 10 times?
Banned because hey it's good to know you hate someone more then me.

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Banned because did you post the same post like 10 times?

Banned for taking what I said out of context and in a way it wasn't meant to be taken.
Banned because I meant only one person. I don't know how it could be more clear than that.

Banned because I know one person, but why that person?

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Banned because you can't die yet! You're too young... ;w;
Aww... maybe you need to drink orange juice to feel better!

Banned because heh, we're the grammar nazi team.

Banned because I'm the better grammar nazi in the team. ;)
Banned because you can't die yet! You're too young... ;w;
Aww... maybe you need to drink orange juice to feel better!

Banned because heh, we're the grammar nazi team.

Banned because D: I don't have any orange juice...
Also banned because y'all caught one mistake....chill. xD

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Banned because I know one person, but why that person?

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Banned because I'm the better grammar nazi in the team. ;)

Banned because why not?
Banned because D: I don't have any orange juice...
Also banned because y'all caught one mistake....chill. xD

Banned because do you have any kind of juice? If not, water works to!
Banned because one mistake so far~
Banned because you never give me a straight answer.

Banned because I don't have one.

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Banned because do you have any kind of juice? If not, water works to!
Banned because one mistake so far~

Banned because some apple/strawberry/banana juice that disgustingly tastes like candy, and I just got done drinking a liter of water. Sooo. Idk...I'll just wait and see what tomorrow holds for me.