The "You're Banned" Game

Banned because my best friend made an account and didn't tell me, tried to troll me in here, but failed, because I kept going to bed early, and they kept getting online late. Also banned because I'm not taking anything out on you, and I wouldn't use my anxiety disorder as an excuse. Banned again, because you should know who she is. You get a fourth ban because I've already answered that question.

Banned because everyone loves to troll you. Second ban because you're trying to make me get social anxiety disorder as well. Third ban because how am I supposed to know who she is? Fourth ban because it's a yes or no.
Banned because, that's a little overkill on banning. Just a little.

Banned because that's nothing. You should have seen a ban I pulled a while ago.
Also banned because I was just responding to his bans, though.

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Banned because everyone loves to troll you. Second ban because you're trying to make me get social anxiety disorder as well. Third ban because how am I supposed to know who she is? Fourth ban because it's a yes or no.

Banned because not really. Also banned because not really. Third banned because not really. Fourth ban because I already answered you.
Banned because that's nothing. You should have seen a ban I pulled a while ago.
Also banned because I was just responding to his bans, though.

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Banned because not really. Also banned because not really. Third banned because not really. Fourth ban because I already answered you.

Banned because maybe is not a answer.
Banned because I was out of the house but now I'm back, on my laptop.

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Banned because I'm younger than you!

Also banned because I have an idea~

Banned because xD I know.
Also banned because what's your favourite idea?