Banned for abandoning itBanned for bringing the thread back up
Banned because yay! I see chapter four is up, now.Banned because time for more writing today! ^^
You and Myst are banned for talking about writing for the millionth time xD
Banned because yay! I see chapter four is up, now.
Banned because it's cool that you guys have that in common
And banned because there is a clown
Banned because there is no clown *insert weird wavy hand motions here*
Banned because I see no clown either. ^^
Banned for also seeing a possum.
Banned for remembering. :3
Banned because it was just yesterday xD
Of course, I remember
Banned because I forgot what day it was... was it really yesterday?
Banned because it really was xD
Banned because oh, my... it feels like forever ago. lmao
Banned because xD Yeah. Days seem really long nowadays, but it was just yesterday xD
Banned because mmhm... or maybe it's my memory.
Banned because hmm... or maybe it's both!
Banned because could be.
Oooh, someone's actively reading/voting on Disillusioned Hope rn. I wonder how they'll react.
Banned because I don't know...hopefully, good....I don't know, because I don't know what happens. I'm full of not knowing xD
I swear if I say "I don't know" again....I will have said it again.