The "You're Banned" Game

The "You're Banned" Game

Banned for being a vigilante

In case you didn't know, that's someone who takes the law enforcement into their own hands.
The "You're Banned" Game


Band= A Musical Group
Banned= Forbidden from going to a certain place or area
The "You're Banned" Game

banned once more for mispelling "Banned"

Band= something you wear around your wrist or head/ a musical group

Banned=Forbidden from going to a certain place or area
The "You're Banned" Game

(ill give you 50 bells if u start spelling Banned right)

banned for mispelling the word Banned
The "You're Banned" Game

Pie_Or_Die said:
(ill give you 50 bells if u start spelling Banned right)

banned for mispelling the word Banned
Banned for bribing me. I want that 50 bells though.
The "You're Banned" Game

take it
<small><small><small><small>Disclaimer: You have to spell it wright from now on or i get the 50 bells back</small></small></small></small>

banned for making me pay 50 bells so hed spell it right