• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Things I'd like to see in the next AC instalment

This may sound like a silly complaint, but bear with me... Some wind instrument furniture objects.

Just take a look at this video:

Look at that wide variety of instruments, now notice that ALL of the families of instruments are represented, EXCEPT for woodwind/brass instruments. Realize that there are like five thousand guitars and related string instruments, realize we have all of the orchestral strings (except for maybe the viola), notice that we now have a wide variety of keyboard instruments.

I'm sorry, but this is just to the point where I just feel a bit insulted and offended. How could we need five different colored guitars, almost the whole orchestral string section, three pianos, an organ, and a harpsichord but not even have ONE single wind instrument?

UNLESS that is Bagpipes below the guitars next to the white piano. But it sounded nothing like bagpipes. Nothing at all. It sounded like some electronic kind of instrument.

I know I haven't convinced anybody that I'm not crazy here, but this family of instruments I feel very passionately about, and to see them given such a huge middle finger as this in this series I can no longer accept. If this is really all of the instruments in this game I feel very mixed on giving them any of my money at this point. It's just insulting.

It's silly... I know... They can't take my instruments away from me IRL. But I hate how unappreciated they are, and this is just unbelievable. All they have to do is create meshes. No animations, and the instruments use MIDI files. It's no work other than creating meshes. =/

As a clarinet and alto sax player, I must say that I agree. I don't know how it would work, but by golly, it would be cool if it did!
Off topic: Can japanese 3DS/3DSXL and american 3DS/3DS XL connect outside games?

On topic: I like the Make-up being Skintone, eye color, etc option mentioned earlier by someone.
I also like the idea of a seperate toolbelt/backpack idea and the draw/drag to select idea.
This may sound like a silly complaint, but bear with me... Some wind instrument furniture objects.

Just take a look at this video:

Look at that wide variety of instruments, now notice that ALL of the families of instruments are represented, EXCEPT for woodwind/brass instruments. Realize that there are like five thousand guitars and related string instruments, realize we have all of the orchestral strings (except for maybe the viola), notice that we now have a wide variety of keyboard instruments.

I'm sorry, but this is just to the point where I just feel a bit insulted and offended. How could we need five different colored guitars, almost the whole orchestral string section, three pianos, an organ, and a harpsichord but not even have ONE single wind instrument?

UNLESS that is Bagpipes below the guitars next to the white piano. But it sounded nothing like bagpipes. Nothing at all. It sounded like some electronic kind of instrument.

I know I haven't convinced anybody that I'm not crazy here, but this family of instruments I feel very passionately about, and to see them given such a huge middle finger as this in this series I can no longer accept. If this is really all of the instruments in this game I feel very mixed on giving them any of my money at this point. It's just insulting.

It's silly... I know... They can't take my instruments away from me IRL. But I hate how unappreciated they are, and this is just unbelievable. All they have to do is create meshes. No animations, and the instruments use MIDI files. It's no work other than creating meshes. =/

Baha, you're considering not buying the game because they didn't include a woodwind? That's kind of lolz..
I'm sorry but did you really need to post just to make fun of her for that? Sure, most people wouldn't considering not buying a game because it doesn't have woodwind/brass instruments, but then again those same people are not passionate about the music they play (nor do they probably play an instrument). I had friends in school who were part of the school band. Some took the class as an 'easy A' (don't know where they got easy from) and others who were genuinely interested in playing music. I knew a girl who played the Viola. You have no idea how much it upset her that everyone called it a violin. I'm sure people call that silly as well, but it was more than just an instrument to her. It was part of who she was.

From a gaming view, it's like someone saying "I like Zelda. That little green dress of hers is absolutely adorable!" or "Why is Mario wearing yellow?" or seeing any FPS character in armor and going "It's master chief!" It will instill the same amount of "Ugh, don't you pay attention to anything?"

I draw pictures all the time. I painted in high school. No matter what I've ever drawn or painted, I've always got a "Oh that's nice. art is cool! Why don't you make statues/other art too?" Because not all art is the same. It requires different skills to do different things. Just the same as telling a person "Well the other instruments are in the game. Why are you complaining?" Sure there are other instruments in there, but it's not the one she plays. It's not the one she loves. Sometimes people want to get acknowledged for the work they do and not get tossed into the art/music barrel of "oh that's cool" everything-is-the-same-ness.

It's not to the same extreme, but I've wondered why they don't have those things in the games either. I mean, sure you have to hold the instruments to play them, but you have to hold a guitar to play it too. You don't just stand in front of it and fiddle away at its strings. I really don't see how it's so hard to have a wind/brass instrument behave the same way as any of the other instruments.

I apologize for the long post. |: I just get at little incensed when I see people make fun of band members... comes from having so many friends get teased for it.
I'm sorry but did you really need to post just to make fun of her for that? Sure, most people wouldn't considering not buying a game because it doesn't have woodwind/brass instruments, but then again those same people are not passionate about the music they play (nor do they probably play an instrument). I had friends in school who were part of the school band. Some took the class as an 'easy A' (don't know where they got easy from) and others who were genuinely interested in playing music. I knew a girl who played the Viola. You have no idea how much it upset her that everyone called it a violin. I'm sure people call that silly as well, but it was more than just an instrument to her. It was part of who she was.

From a gaming view, it's like someone saying "I like Zelda. That little green dress of hers is absolutely adorable!" or "Why is Mario wearing yellow?" or seeing any FPS character in armor and going "It's master chief!" It will instill the same amount of "Ugh, don't you pay attention to anything?"

I draw pictures all the time. I painted in high school. No matter what I've ever drawn or painted, I've always got a "Oh that's nice. art is cool! Why don't you make statues/other art too?" Because not all art is the same. It requires different skills to do different things. Just the same as telling a person "Well the other instruments are in the game. Why are you complaining?" Sure there are other instruments in there, but it's not the one she plays. It's not the one she loves. Sometimes people want to get acknowledged for the work they do and not get tossed into the art/music barrel of "oh that's cool" everything-is-the-same-ness.

It's not to the same extreme, but I've wondered why they don't have those things in the games either. I mean, sure you have to hold the instruments to play them, but you have to hold a guitar to play it too. You don't just stand in front of it and fiddle away at its strings. I really don't see how it's so hard to have a wind/brass instrument behave the same way as any of the other instruments.

I apologize for the long post. |: I just get at little incensed when I see people make fun of band members... comes from having so many friends get teased for it.

It's especially weird to make fun of her after I've heard people threaten to not buy the game because of animal tracks, an equally small detail.

It's her money after all. If this detail is that significant to her, why should she spend her money?
It's not to the same extreme, but I've wondered why they don't have those things in the games either. I mean, sure you have to hold the instruments to play them, but you have to hold a guitar to play it too. You don't just stand in front of it and fiddle away at its strings. I really don't see how it's so hard to have a wind/brass instrument behave the same way as any of the other instruments.

There's absolutely no reason that they wouldn't be able to. And I have no idea where this idea that they'd have to function differently came from.

The instruments in Animal Crossing are furniture objects that sit on stands (if the instrument isn't one that stands up on itself) and I have no problem with that. I think it would be neat (but somewhat gimmicky) if we had instruments where we could play them in an Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask fashion, but I'm not faulting Nintendo for not adding that, especially not with how much was added in New Leaf.

What I'm frustrated with and not understanding is how they make all of these brand new instrument meshes but still can't create even one woodwind/brass instrument. I guess now we have bagpipes, but... bagpipes... yeah. I'll count them... But my point is that it seems like they're just completely avoiding making them for some reason (and that reason isn't anything practical). When they're making so many instruments for other sections that we now have a harpsichord (don't take this the wrong way, I love harpsichords) and lute, but still can't even add a single type of saxophone or whatever, it has to raise a few eyebrows. And it does, in fact, bother me, because it just feels like they're saying "Your section of instruments doesn't matter, at all."

Now they've added a bagpipe. I congratulate them for that and everything, but the bagpipe is all they can give us to represent the winds? Imagine if things had gone differently, if instead of the winds getting shafted it was guitars. Imagine we're here at New Leaf and have the full section of normal wind instruments, and Nintendo's to the point of adding more obscure wind instruments that we may not need... Like Contrabass saxophone, yet there are no guitars added yet in the series. Guitar players who play Animal Crossing would not be happy about this. There would be ones who would complain, and I doubt they'd get made fun of like me. And then now imagine, Nintendo decides to finally add a strummed string instrument... But it's a lute, not a guitar. This is EXACTLY what it's like here, just in a different perspective.
I agree with you completely. Personally, I'd love to see some flutes, trumpets, saxophones or anything like that in the game! I wasn't allowed to be in band when I was in school, but those two groups were my favorites! In fact, had I been allowed to be in band I would have chosen either the flute, saxophone, or french horn as what I wanted to play (my only other choice out of the groups would have been a violin...). Two of my best friends played flutes. My brother played the baritone in middle school and my cousin played the tuba in high school! The instruments I have the most personal experience with growing up are winds and brass! The only instrument I ever played was the recorder and I still have the one I played in elementary school.

I think it would be lovely to have a wind or brass instrument decorating my house. My brother plays guitar and the drums now. |: I've kind of gotten sick of the sound of them.
being able to put on make up would be nice. i'm a girl dammit and i want to make my character pretty!!!
while i don't time travel myself, i think if others want to they should be able to without restrictions though. it's their game, let them do what they want with it.