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Things You Want New Horizons To Get Rid Of


AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Toy Duck Plush
User Title Color Change
There are obviously a lot of things that I want to see be continued from NewLeaf, and even come back from absence, but there are also some things that I would like gone.

1. Transportation passing through places we need to get to
I feel like I am the only once who has this has one of their pet peeves. I HATE HATE HATED it when I need to get into Main Street in New Leaf, and right before I do, a damn train has to pass through. I hope we will not have this in NewHorizons with the sea planes.

2. Grass Deteriration
If you are anything like me, you are constantly running around aimless in your town. It gets us to places faster, and if we weren't constantly running around, it would take for what feels like forever to get from Point A to Point B. In CityFolk and in NewLeaf, you are punished for this. The grass will slowly, but surely start to disappear resulting in several disadvantages: lowered town rating, absence of snowballs, and it just makes the town (for me) look bluh.

3. Falling While Running
I get these days a lot in NewLeaf, which get annoying. I read that this has to do with a bad luck day, but these are usually hard to reverse. For one thing the thing you are told to obtain is usually barely accessable (especially if the item is specific). Futhermore, Katrina does not always have her tent set up when this happens. You can get a phone, but this can take a while too. And again, the items are usually not available to obtain.

4. Villagers Changing Their Mind About Moving Even When You Encourage Them To Move
I literally cannot understand this! Why would a villager want to move, then change their mind after they are ENCOURAGED by the player. They should only change their mind when the player stops them! I feel bad for the players who have gone through this with the villagers they hate and are dying for them to move.

5. Scheduled Visits
If you do not know what I mean by these, it's when a villager asks to visit your house, or for you to visit their house. And you have to choose a time for this to take place. What usually happends is we end up forgetting, thus losing friendship with the villager in question.

I get it. "Planned Visits" are a good way to interact with villagers, discover new dialouge, and boost friendships with them. But what's wrong with them just saying "Hey, can I come to your house right now?" or "Hey, wanna come over right now?". Now this SOMETIMES happened in NL, but it should ALWAYS be this, so people won't have to worry about forgetting. NTM, stuff comes up.

As for the surprise/unannounced visits, I love having these exclusive features to villagers whom we have a high frienship. It makes befriending villagers more realistic and rewarding, so while I don't think NH should completely get rid of this, but we should be able to craft/buy a DND sign to keep them from happening at annoying times.

. . .

That's all I can think of for right now. If you guys disagree or just don't feel the same way about these, that is fine. Just be considerate and respectful. That's all I ask. :)

Another good way to go about these features, maybe not getting rid of some of them completely, but at least allowing us to disable them. That way the people who want a challenge and/or a more realistic approach, can keep these optional features enabled, but for those who are exteremely casual (like me) and don't want to deal with any peeves, can just disable them.

. . .

Feel free to discuss these, as well as your own that I didn't list.
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i honestly forgot all about 1 - but i don’t think i ever really minded it. i mean, it’s inconvenient when you’re trying to rush to the shopping district, but i guess it adds some sort of,, realism to the game? i mean, trains go by in real life and get in the way sometimes, so makes sense that they’d do the same in animal crossing.

but i definitely agree with 4, especially when it’s a villager that you really, really want out of your town
I agree with the scheduled visits, I really hope we have an option to make them come home with us or schedule it. I also hated New Leaf's idea of getting rid of flea market events, so it'd be cool if New Horizon removed that removal. It should just be Sunday morning so that people can easily avoid it, but I still want it to happen though.
Not being able to time travel. Personally, I wasn't planning on it. But eventually, when you play the game for so years and years (which I'll end up doing) you want to keep it fresh, whether it be solely focusing on town design, etc.
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I agree with the scheduled visits, I really hope we have an option to make them come home with us or schedule it. I also hated New Leaf's idea of getting rid of flea market events, so it'd be cool if New Horizon removed that removal. It should just be Sunday morning so that people can easily avoid it, but I still want it to happen though.

I agree with your points ^^

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Not being able to time travel. Personally, I wasn't planning on it. But eventually, when you play the game for so years and years (which I'll end up doing) you want to keep it fresh, whether it be solely focusing on town design, etc.
You have a good point :)

Plus people are gonna wanna time travel if they are selling/giving away villagers (if it's hopefully still a thing) to speed up the process. ^^
I definitely agree with the grass, I had the same problem I would just be so busy it would skip my mind and it would suck that it would deteriorate!

I kinda like and kinda don't like the villagers changing their mind about moving, I enjoy the random results of the game but at the same time theres some villagers that I cannot stand and it seems theyre always the ones who change their mind!! knowing my luck this'll happen with a clown sheep haha,
- Villagers to give you items even when you said no.
- Villagers changing their clothes during conversations/giving them a gift.

I have a thing with villagers. And these two things I listed above must go.
- Villagers to give you items even when you said no.
- Villagers changing their clothes during conversations/giving them a gift.

I have a thing with villagers. And these two things I listed above must go.

I agree, especially the second one. There are certain clothes that look good on certain villagers ^^
The first three I disagree with, but I get how they could be annoying. It might sound weird to some/most people, but I can appreciate those minor inconveniences because they make the game feel more realistic to me.

That said, I don’t think I went through many bad luck days, and in particular find the trains passing by very charming (not gonna lie, I LOVE trains!).

As far as grass deterioration goes, I liked using it to create natural paths, but also never had any trouble with it escalating. For those who hated the look in general or had their towns more or less ruined by the spread, I think a compromise would be good: it still being included, but adding ways to either prevent it or restore the grass more effectively.
Similarly, the scheduled visits would be much improved if they added in-game reminders—I think that could actually be pretty cute and work well with the Nook Phone.

The one point I’m 100% on the same page with is 4; it’s maddening to have painfully accepted or eagerly awaited the departure of a villager only to have them stay. Those mind games I can’t condone, not even for realism’s sake lol

EDIT: I was rambling about OPs points and completely forgot to answer the question myself—good thing this isn’t an exam xD Things I wish were removed/changed:

Villagers cramming their houses full of fish and bug displays
a limit of 1-2 displays that is switched out when they get more would be nice!

Villagers changing into unsuitable outfits; or spreading one outfit across town
to be clear, I don't want full control over what they wear, because that autonomy does add depth to them. However, it’s so frustrating—almost near impossible—to get them back into their original or a better outfit. Making that process a bit easier, even just by increasing the likelihood of gifted clothes being worn, would be a huge improvement imo

Restrictions on the placement of trees
with all the emphasis on customization, I really hope they’ll allow us to place whichever trees wherever we want. Limiting the types doesn’t even make much sense, since leafy or needle trees do grow by beaches, and palm trees are often seen on grass. Allowing free placement would definitely open up options and add diversity to people’s Islands!
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Honestly animal tracks/grass deterioration is the only thing I'd like to be removed in New Horizons... only thing that's a pain in the rear that needs to go.
The only thing that really bothered me that I want gone is grass deterioration. At least make it optional or have a way to grow it back. I never ran in my town, only walked, but because I played every day the grass wear was terrible. I tried all the suggestions to get it to grow back New Leaf and the only thing that worked was making paths and staying off the rest of the grass. I'd rather not have to do that again.

Random rare items was so dope in the Population Rising.
The annoying repetative dialogue such as
1. Greetings when entering a shop
2. Salutations when exiting a shop
3. Asking if you want to use the crafting table (no, I just clicked on it for no reason)
4. Asking if I want to continue crafting (If I want to continue crafting, I'll click on the crafting table again)

There are a handful of others but these are the first to come to mind
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the number one thing for me would be destroying flowers when you run. (but from what I have heard, that feature has been changed!)

something else that comes to mind would be villagers moving out randomly when you dont play for a long time. this might be a hard feature to change, but it really gave me anxiety and would prevent me from picking up the game and playing it when I felt like it, and as a result I would go months or a year without playing. (this was before I knew about the time travel trick.)

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even with the time travel trick tho, it is pretty annoying. (bc then you have to remember when you last played and tt to that date and wait for someone to want to move out then say no and save and then tt to present time. very tedious)

Villagers randomly dropping by when you're decorating.

Forced internet, like having to visit someone, or be visited by someone an absurd amount of times to unlock an upgrade. (Hopefully DODO gets one.)

I think they got rid of grass wear.
the number one thing for me would be destroying flowers when you run. (but from what I have heard, that feature has been changed!)

Unfortunately it seems like they do still get trampled and lose their flower buds (not the whole plant though, apparently).

I just heard it in this review today (at ca. 2:00):

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I don’t like fortune cookies irl or in AC. I don’t like how they were displayed in NL, just sitting on a counter out in the open. I would prefer something like a big gacha machine in the store that you can use 3 times a day or something.
Unfortunately it seems like they do still get trampled and lose their flower buds (not the whole plant though, apparently).

I just heard it in this review today (at ca. 2:00):

ah yes I do know that, sorry I guess my post didn't explain that well. what I meant was although they may lose their flower buds, not the whole plant is destroyed (meaning it will grow back). and this I can live with, its way better than losing the plant all together!
(at least thats my understanding of it?)
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