Thoughts About the New Hairstyles (Gatekeeping and Restrictions)


Despair has its own calms
Sep 2, 2017
Tasty Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Chocolate Cake
Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Famous Mushroom
Chocolate Cake
Okay, y’all. I wanna state first that I want this to be a kind discussion, because what I’m about to talk about and inquire into has to do with the new ACNH hairstyles that are more ethnic-based.

So, when I saw the new hairstyles, I was super excised and loved the “buns” and “poofy” hairs (I was planning on trying them out on a few characters, especially ones I have who are darker and more Hispanic-looking to fit my culture). However, I was JUST recently looking at Twitter and randomly came upon a whole group of people basically gatekeeping the hairstyles and saying how white people shouldn’t be allowed to use them ever. (I wasn’t even expecting to see this, nor do I follow people who were tweeting about it, but one ACNH account that I’m following liked a post that was telling white people in all caps not to use the hairs). For context, I’m half-white and half-mexican, but me and my siblings are VERY pale and always get told how white we look.

This honestly made me really sad, because I know not every one of these styles is specifically inherent to ethnic cultures (I’m more so thinking of the “poofy” hair—and I’m not counting the “bald” style in this discussion). Even though I was super excited to try the hairs and see how cute they looked with outfits, faces, etc, I don’t even feel like I should use it, otherwise it’s some how racist if I do. Has anyone else come across this on Twitter or other social medias where you follow a lot of ACNH accounts? If so, what are your thoughts? I more so wanted to reach out to the TBT community and have a calm discussion with y’all, cus there’s no way I’d have a reasonable discussion with anyone on Twitter... lol.
I think there should be common sense.... Image if geisha wig can be used only by japanese, sombrero only by mexicans, kaffiyeh only by middle eastern and so on. Integration is normalizing and respecting everyone regardless of ethnicity. Exclusivity is the opposit of acceptance and integration. I will use every single hair style, I can't wait to see how cute they are.
imo these hairstyles were added for a very specific reason: giving black people access to accurately portray themselves in game. this is something that non-black people had from day 1, access to a myriad of options to feel represented in their own game.

maybe seeing it this way explains some of the 'gate-keeping' you are seeing on twitter.

as to whether or not you decide you can use it is up to you.
I think there should be common sense.... Image if geisha wig can be used only by japanese, sombrero only by mexicans, kaffiyeh only by middle eastern and so on. Integration is normalizing and respecting everyone regardless of ethnicity. Exclusivity is the opposit of acceptance and integration. I will use every single hair style, I can't wait to see how cute they are.
I really like the way you articulate that! I’ve been kind of thinking the same way, but I always get doubtful as to whether something is “okay” to do or say, because I’d rather not deal with the backlash from it. I appreciate your thoughts! uwu
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imo these hairstyles were added for a very specific reason: giving black people access to accurately portray themselves in game. this is something that non-black people had from day 1, access to a myriad of options to feel represented in their own game.

maybe seeing it this way explains some of the 'gate-keeping' you are seeing on twitter.

as to whether or not you decide you can use it is up to you.
Oh no, I totally get your thoughts on this. I have no problem with integrating more hairstyles so others can feel represented—especially in a game like this!

My question though was more so why others want to “gatekeep” these specific hairstyles from a certain group of people. Your first part doesn’t really explain the “gatekeeping” aspect to me, so I’m still not exactly sure why others are ranting or arguing for white people never to use these hairstyles. >_<

And that’s true. At the end of the day, we can still make our own decisions. I guess I just feel hurt by the negativity on Twitter. :u
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I really like the way you articulate that! I’ve been kind of thinking the same way, but I always get doubtful as to whether something is “okay” to do or say, because I’d rather not deal with the backlash from it. I appreciate your thoughts! uwu
ty for appreciating my comment ^^ I think we, against discriminations, should be the first to work togheter and not separated. There are so many reasons and pretext for people to fight and be against each other finding new ones is quite no sense...
Like you, I am also half white and half Mexican, so I really don't have an answer to why it would be gatekept, but I think you should be fine using those poofy puns. I do see quite a few Latina women wear very similar hairstyles, whether darker skinned or lighter. Same for the afro, Bob Ross had one. My dad, who is white, had an afro when he was younger, it was fairly popular in the 70's folk rock scene.
First mistake was looking at Twitter. Twitter has only one hobby & it's complaining about everything even when it has a positive side. :)

Honestly I think it's pretty simple. If you don't use it with bad intent, then there shouldn't be anything wrong with that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
To me, it didn't look like much effort or thought went into them.

Almost an insult to those cultures, not doing them the justice they deserve, IMO..
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Don't people know you can be half white half black half white half African and be super pale but have kinky curly hair? While curly kinky hair may be a unique feature to poc (like me) it isn't limited to just us and that's what makes our hair so unique. You can be so super pale and still be half whatever and have curly kinky hair. It has been done and I have seen it before. People on Twitter are being ingorant toxic idiots,,
God I know what you’re talking about. I saw so many posts about how non black people aren’t allowed to wear them.
I’m super happy we got more diverse hair styles and probably won’t use them myself but why telling others what they’re allowed to do and what not? :(
If non black people want to wear them in game why not?
Maybe some black people in this forum can give an input? :)
I don't understand why your skin colour should restrict the hairstyles you want to wear. I mean, who does even care if you're black or white or whatever? It's a game where you can be anyone you want. Why should you be prevented from trying out new styles? I seriously cannot understand what's the issue with this.
THis may be a bit of a hypocritical statement, but people who gatekeep have no business playing Animal Crossing. There are so many items (both furniture and clothing) in the game from various cultures - are they gonna try gatekeep every single culture? My mexican friend had no problem with me wearing the sugar skull mask and the china poblana, in fact she thought it was really cool.

I've learned a lot about Japanese culture from this game alone. Animal Crossing really encourages the sharing of other cultures, and that shouldn't stop because of cool new hairstyles.
I don't wanna cause an argument or cause any bad feelings, by saying this I do respect everyone's views and everyone's entitled to their own opinions.

My view is everyone should be able to use every hair style? The particular tweet
white people shouldn’t be allowed to use them ever.
Really... Makes me feel a bit uncomfortable although I can see where their comimg from. However if someome was to say people who arn't.. I guess 'white' / have the hair type the other AC hair styles are based on, arn't allowed to use those hair styles, immediatly tones of people would call them racist ect.

My view is it's all just a game, I'm glad they've added more hair styles that are a little more accurate to different hair types, similarly very happy when I saw they added more skin colours (like as in before NH was out) and it wasnt just 'tanned' like in the older games. But it's literally just a game set in a world with walking and talking animals. Your character is fictional and as long as no ones going out their way to be deliberately hurtful with the customisation options, then I don't get the issue.

Personally some of these new hair styles look super cute and I will definitely be using them on my characters. I'm super white and no way could I achieve some of those on my natural hair, but my character doesn't have fingers, they are not me, and I'm not going out my way to make people upset? So sure my characters hair can/will be however I want.
People gatekeep about hair styles in real life too, so it's an extension of that. I remember a while ago people were saying white people shouldn't braid their hair because apparently that's an ethnic thing only (even though historically Vikings also braided their hair, and they were European, so, ????)

It's one of those things that probably started with good intentions, don't want people to like, fetishize over a different culture as if it's a novelty, that's the argument, but at the same time if somebody wants to have a particular hair style because it suits their personality and resonates with them, why should it matter what their background or skin colour is? Like others have said, it just serves to push us further apart. People fighting over things like this is what we're supposed to be going away from to stop racism and encourage diversity. If you aren't allowed to have a hair style because only black people are allowed to have it, then that's hypocritical! Are you going to also tell black people they can only wear their hair in that way and can't experiment or use hair styles from other ethnicities? It's all nonsense. Let people wear what they want! As long as it's not actually offensive (geisha makeup, black face, etc) then it shouldn't matter in the slightest. Let people express themselves no matter what colour they are.
Gatekeeping anything because it ‘belongs’ to specific by-birth characteristics is just wrong. Like poofy-curly hair isn’t a hair style that only Hispanic peoples have, some pure Europeans have curly hair too. I have met many non-Hispanic people with curly hair and they are excited these hairstyles are added in, but this would really hurt them if they saw that online. I think if you choose to use the hairstyles, it’s up to you. I would probably actually use the curly hairstyles on my resident because I love how they look!
As usual, some people make a fuss over nothing. <facepalm> 😕

As a middle eastern, I wouldn't be offended if someone used the kaffiyah or the kandoora..
I'm also sure plenty of non Japanese people wear the kimono and/or geisha wig.

Your AC character doesn't have to look like you! My character has short and pink hair... doesn't look like me irl!

Some people are just difficult! Reminds me of that one person who hates time travelers so much they asked any TT'ers to unfollow them on twitter lmao.