Thoughts on showering? 🚿


🍄crispy foongus🍄
Apr 28, 2022
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I'm not talking about shower thoughts... I want your thoughts on taking a shower/bath.

Mine is pretty weird so bear with me. I don't really like it because it uses up 20~ minutes I could've spent on homework and when I'm out of the shower I feel so cold. ;-; It's why I like to wear robes over towels to dry myself.

Also, my parents say I should be showering twice a day, but because of the above I only have room for once a day, which is usually on the weekend. help

EDIT: On a lighter note, I do feel pretty refreshed and good about myself when I'm done. But it's not really the same since I'm not doing it because I feel like it, I'm doing it because someone told me to.
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I used to not like bathing/showering when I was a kid because it felt like such a chore and I wanted to use that time for fun stuff (typical kid behavior, I'd imagine). But a few years ago, our pipes froze during the winter and we couldn't use the bathroom faucets for about a week, so I've learned to be grateful for showers since then.

I'm glad that we have clean hot water to bathe with whenever we need, but do I actually like to shower? ...I'm kind of in the middle. I'm not ecstatic, but not dreading it either. It's just a part of general hygiene.
It's warm and comfortable. For me it's 15-20 minutes to be disconnected from everything.

So, I hate when somebody knocks while I'm showering. Me in the shower = on a different planet for those few minutes. I'm not one who asks for much 'me' time but the shower is one of those moments in which I don't want to hear from anyone.

Being forced out of a shower early is one of the few things that can get me annoyed enough to change my attitude. It's not only hygienic but I also shower daily to sort my thoughts and feelings out in a quiet place.
I don't like showering as much as I used to because I get very tired afterwards, but that might just be a sign of my health declining. I can't really get my health checked right now...
This is a problem because then I can't take one if I already feel fatigued. I have had a few instances where I nearly fainted (and one time where I actually did) after taking one and I don't want to risk more of that.
It’s a pretty miserable process. I love my hair, but it takes a lot of time to shampoo. It’s also easy to get fatigued with all the steam. Getting out is an awful feeling too, especially the wet hair. Or when it’s hot, the whole bathroom turns into a sauna. I do understand how just sitting there and thinking can be calming though. It’s just kinda overshadowed by how much I have to think to clean myself (undiagnosed ADHD?)