Thoughts on the Animal Crossing Film?


Project Staff
Jul 11, 2014
White Love Letter
Pink Love Letter
Heartstamp Mushroom Lamp
Heart Glow Wand
Rainbow Birthday Bouquet
Pink Heart Balloon
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Heart of the Forest
Pink Love Potion
Pavé Pink Feather
Just wondering what everyone's thoughts on the Animal Crossing Film are... I just watched it again tonight. I really enjoy it - it's a feel-good movie that cheers me up when I need it. I also think it does a good job incorporating many iconic aspects of the Animal Crossing franchise without feeling like you're watching a video game (though the ending is kind of weird).

The that only thing that throws me off is the character names - I know that the film is Japanese, and the characters have Japanese names, but having only ever played the North American versions of the AC games it's weird to see Whitney and hear her called Bianca, Rosie called Bouquet, etc. That's me just nit-picking, though.

I'd love it if they made a movie based on New Leaf, but I doubt it would ever happen. :(
i remember watching that movie when i use to play wild world, so it's definitely a pretty nostalgic movie for me! i would always get so excited because of how much of the game they incorporated with the movie c: i found the animation to be very beautiful as well
Yeah the ending kind of ruined it for me. XD
I also would have liked to see a few more villager appearances. I really think they should make another one, this time based off New Leaf. :3
I've never seen it, but I saw a trailer on YouTube. It doesn't look like something I'd enjoy, though. I think I'd rather stick to the games and imagine things being as I want them to be.
I've onl seen parts of it. So happy to have the main character voiced by Yui Horie. She's adorable! <3
Oh i'm pretty behind because I didn't even realise there was a movie haha. I'm going to watch it tomorrow night!
I watched it twice, and absolutely adored it! It is pretty nostalgic, as it reminds me of my past Wild World towns. I didn't find particularly bad the Japanese character names; I actually find Bouquet way more adorable for a cute kitty like Rosie! What I loved was Tom Nook's appearance, it was hilarious! And Gulliver too! I also like Sally a lot. When I got New Leaf at first I thought she and Tia were the same villagers though :)
It's OK.

But it's pretty accurate, for all it's worth. But, for some reason, the town name is the only thing inaccurate about this, as it's too long...