thoughts on the new bump rules?

King Dorado

you can do anything
Aug 4, 2015
Rebel Gnome
Fossil Easter Egg
Ladybug Easter Egg
Paradise Planning Easter Egg
Splat Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Classic Easter Egg
Togepi Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
Yoshi Easter Egg
i think it's gone pretty well. its easier to see what new proposals have been added to the forums.

even with the new rule, it is evident that half or maybe even more than half of the threads consist of almost nothing more than 4-hour bumps by the Original Posters...
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it was even worse when the rule was only 2 hours, so i mean i approve of the rule.
I don't mind, since now the hupe of TBT marketplace has gone down ^^
It's alright as long as people actually follow it and don't close/make new threads at once just because the old is a bit down...
I think it's a good improve. Definitely gets more threads out there. To be honest, though, I thought the rule was a bump per hour, so it's nice now that they finally have something set in stone.
I don't really like it but it was the mod's decision so meh
I like it. It got annoying to see the same threads being bumped with no other responses than OP's bumps. Drove me nuts. They're still there but now it's even less often so thank gods.
You could always ask for other people to bump it for you. You could also hire other people with tbt to bump your thread.

I don't really mind. I rarely make threads in the market/retail anyways.
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Tbh I wasn't even sure if there were bump rules before these ones were put in place.

I don't think they've helped much though, because it doesn't take long for threads that aren't being bumped often to be pushed down into the second page in the Marketplace. I'm not even sure if it was even needed in the Museum Shop because posts were being made there a lot less often than in the Marketplace even without the new bumping rules, so nobody even needs to bump more often than once every four hours there anyway.
I understand why they made it longer but.... it's not helping. At all. Less than 10 minutes after you bump, your thread is hidden in the second/third page because by then everyone else has bumped and made new threads.

TL;DR: People need to have one thread active at a time; i.e. you only bump one of your threads every 4 hours, instead of all of them, which is just clogging the marketplace.
You could always ask for other people to bump it for you. You could also hire other people with tbt to bump your thread.

no, that would violate the rule. as i understand it, nobody can bump until there's been 4 hours since a post was made.
no, that would violate the rule. as i understand it, nobody can bump until there's been 4 hours since a post was made.

Oh really? I thought that it was just the owner or the last person to bump that wouldn't be allowed. I wasn't quite sure if different/alternating people could bump within the four hour delay. I was thinking OP bumps, then user A bumps an hour later, then another user B bumps after another hour, and so on... The rule only specified one person (OP). Eh maybe I'm just misinterpreting it.
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