Thoughts on the Revolution Controller...


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
Throwback Tickets
Hey, post your thoughts on it here.

I love it. I can think of a million cool ways to use it. It looks sooo sleek and sexy, I mean, I MUST get the Rev.
Gah! You know, that controller isn't the FINAL verison. Also, there IS attachments.
yeah. sucks no matter what the final version looks like. Nintendo made a bad move and just lost about 200 dollars.
i think it looks, and is gonna be great. i hope some of the add-ons, or at least the analog stick add-on with 2 extra triggers is free, since it'll probly be used a lot.
JJRamone2 said:
Gah! You know, that controller isn't the FINAL verison. Also, there IS attachments.
yeah. sucks no matter what the final version looks like. Nintendo made a bad move and just lost about 200 dollars.
Fine then! I'll buy two! :p
JJRamone2 said:
Gah! You know, that controller isn't the FINAL verison. Also, there IS attachments.
yeah. sucks no matter what the final version looks like. Nintendo made a bad move and just lost about 200 dollars.
my friend was scheptical about it, just because it looked somewhat like a remote, then he looked at it, what it could do, and actually thought of the possibilites...

think of everything you could play, and even create... thats a creation tool there.

i wont be suprised if Adobe puts Photoshop on the Rev... you could make things, and send them to people. it would be awsome

the controller kicks butt

but the ps2 controller is crud

Smart Tech: Do not censor bypass. Next time it happens, I will have to up your warn. I have already told you once.
Why must you continue to be so negative, this is what gaming needed a long overdo makeover,

anyway I can only imagine a FPS with it.
SPORGE27 said:
Why must you continue to be so negative, this is what gaming needed a long overdo makeover,

anyway I can only imagine a FPS with it.
the average gamer nowadays is like the average american-too lazy to adapt to change, even if its for the good of them and everyone else. (note:this is not directed towards anyone.)
I had heard a great point on a different forum,
Although this is mocked by some now so was the D-pad, shoulder buttons, analog stick, shoulder pads and most thing found on an average controller nowadays.
as long as nintendo supplies games to go along with it, it'll be great! (nintendo hasnt let me down yet.)