Incase I need more references, what anime are these two characters from?
gatchaman crowds! her name is hajime yeah and the boy is rui
thank you!!
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Incase I need more references, what anime are these two characters from?
Dang, I seriously thought it was actual weather patterns for a Meteorologist neighbor.
your designs are so nice!! i cant design at all oh man
uhh i have 2 in mind but you can do whatever one is easier
the first being a dress with short sleeves
front/side/back uhh its optional if you wanna do the backpack i guess (whatever is easier!!)
and a jacket??
front/[URL=""]2nd front[/URL]/side/back
ty!!! uwu
Do you happen to know Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya? If so, could you draw a blazer like the uniform that Kyon and Koizumi wear?
I would be really happy if you could draw a blazer for me!
if possible,can you make a yellow sailor outfit? for the villagers to wear? looks just like gulliver's but i cant seem to find a pic
Would you be at all willing to do a personal commission? I'm looking for a basically permanent outfit to wear, and have something in mind, but I can't make patterns/draw/shade at all.
I understand if not. xD Your shading is amazing though!