This one I was going for a kind of camo colored thing, but with the way I tied it the brown ended up only on the very outside edges... probably going to re-do this one.
My favorite type to do, the crinkle, did opposite rainbows on each side and it ended up really neat looking even though tied up it looked really muddy, glad it came out cool.
Blurry turt! I am sad this wasn't tied tight enough because the shade would have been perfect! Not sure if I should keep it or re-do it.
Triple hearts! Wanted to try some "not centered" designs and I think this came out interesting, sad not a lot of color got in under the folds though.
Another flag fold, I did all blues and teals and I think it looks neat but it's still pretty empty... might die over it or try to "skew" the flag fold and re-do it so it makes a more intricate design. Still on the fence.
My fave from this batch! I didn't think it would come out so well!
Burning heart. I think it came out good!
Tried mixing some yellow and tan for a bone color, I think the design came out good, should have used some other colors for the background though...
Shroom! I love how the design came out, but it bled a lot, the stem was tan but a lot of the red bled over.
Fail star 1. I mean, the shape is there, but the inside star was supposed to be white but it ended up really weird... I don't know why after my first two I can't get the stars right!
Fail star 2. I had such high hopes, but it ended up all weird and with like, an extra leg... not sure what i did wrong. =[ Will re-do.
Swirl, I really like how it looks with these colors in the "pastel" way it came out, definitely leaving this one as is to sell!