Giveaway Tiffany's Moving!


Oceanic Operetta Operator
Aug 9, 2013
100% (58) +
I want her GONE, ASAP! If no one takes her, I'll be more than happy to void her!
Tiffany the prostitute rabbit.
I'll need her, she'll fit in nicely in "Fapville" :B
(I dunno about you guys but I think she's really cute >w>)
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I'll need her, she'll fit in nicely in "Fapville" :B
(I dunno about you guys but I think she's really cute >w>)

"fapville" wow. What a name.
Well, It symbolizes my childish adult humor 8D

Also I might be getting Peanut later if I get word from someone so I might need to pass on Tiffany...Peanut's one of my must haves ;A;
Buy the prostitute rabbit, she'll be perfect in "FapVille"
Well, you're the only one to want her so far, so if you don't get Peanut, by all means take her.
If Hyogo doesn't take her, may I? :eek: I kind of want her picture because she's a bunny :p
Sounds great, My friend has been on the hunt for my dreamies so she'll let me know what's happening when she comes back.
Archeress, you're next in line. She's in boxes now, so if Hyogo doesn't get back to me by the end of today, she's yours.
My apologies on the delay, my friend just got back and hasn't heard back from the user about Peanut.

I can take Tiffany whenever you're around, I'll be working on getting Gigi out tomorrow so I'll hopefully get Peanut tomorrow or sometime soon.
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