Hello your sigs are awesome btw
Style Four
Mayor Name: Charlie
Town Name: Qwertt
Native Fruit: Pear
Villagers: Peanut, Static, Marshal (the 3 squirrels inside the stars), Lyman, Pippy, Keaton, Gwen, Prince, Shari, Marcie
Obtained Dreamies: --
Obtained Item: Purple Rose
Friend Code: 4184-5025-5370
Dream Address: --
Pocket Camp ID: 1952-5320-168
Background: The header of your shop is really why I chose to ask for your artwork. It just fits for my town. For the color scheme-- you can change some colors if you want. See my current signature for my town path color scheme.
Any specific shape of signature: Like this one
https://i.imgur.com/G3o6UsA.gif Underneath the stars (;
Font/Font Style: This is gonna be silly but can you make the town name font almost unreadable lmao. I'm not a fan of my town name, but it is what it is. You can make "Mayor Charlie of" a different font but I'd like a cursive font for the town name.
Picture of Mayor: https://www.belltreeforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=217459&d=1528638386 - I hope this isn't too small & lq
TYSM!!! I feel like I requested such an specific order sorry if so, but, I'm actually quite excited requesting for my first sig