I shouldn't have to talk about this, but this has been happening a lot with me and my friends lately, and I just wanna address this, because this is serious and unacceptable. People are meant to play Animal Crossing however they want. Have fun, and make it how you see fit. Nintendo made this game as such, and I don't think gatekeeping and policing about time traveling should be tolerated in this community. One of my friends friends came down hard on him for TTing and told him his island is invalid to them because he TT'd because his work schedule doesn't permit him from playing regularly and TTing actually allowed him to enjoy the days he's missed. Gatekeeping and bullying is unacceptable behavior. There are no rules to this game. If Nintendo didn't want people to Time Travel, they would put a lock on it, but they haven't, it's not a rule. Yes, some wanna be purists and play the game without it, think it defeats the purpose of the game to TT, takes the fun out of it, defeats the purpose of the game, you're allowed to feel that way, not gonna stop you, but you will NOT bully and tell others in an offline environment how to play their game and tell them they're wrong for doing it and make them feel like crap, IMO this is unacceptable behavior. Gatekeeping and making rules for a game that has none because you're upset that others wanna play how they see fit is wrong, and it should not be tolerated in any way. Animal Crossing is all about having fun and playing your way and making your island how you see fit, and if you're gonna ruin this amazing game for people because you're all up in a tizzy and pouting about how others play their game, then maybe you shouldn't be playing. Keep it respectful, watch your mouth, and mind your business because this is not how we as a community should be acting towards others who wanna have fun in their own way. This has been a fun experience, please don't ruin this game with your attitude and rudeness. Thanks for listening, and I hope you're all enjoying New Horizons as much as I have!
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