Time Travelling Holiday: Star Crossed Lovers: CANCELLED!

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Ouch.... Really I feel your pain. I did this almost 2 years ago. Sliced through my nerves so I feel nothing on 1 side of my finger. Husband did the same not even a month ago. Take all the time you need. Hope all is well soon.
omg I am so sorry for what happened to your finger!!! I've never cut my fingers that deeply, but I have broken one and I imagine cutting it to the bone must be way way worse so I kinda feel your pain :(

Get better soon!!!
So you are in the kitchen slicing your finger to the bone, blood spraying everywhere. The first sensible thing to do is writing an announcement of course, for people you don't even know, before heading off to the emergency room. Makes sense.

Tell the nurse Charlie bit your finger, and that it really hurt. ;)
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Oh no! ;_; Thank you very much for letting us know and hope the ER treats you well. :)
So you are in the kitchen slicing your finger to the bone, blood spraying everywhere. The first sensible thing to do is writing an announcement of course, for people you don't even know, before heading off to the emergency room. Makes sense.

Ahaha... well, I've seen stranger things on the internet I suppose. What a strange culture we have evolved to.
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Holy crap! Sorry to hear that. If you do have the event next week (or another week) can you have a friend/spouse/other person you trust do the manual work? Don't hurt yourself more for us T-T
Lol, it wasn't actually to the bone (I was being dramatic) just into the nail bed. We live about two hours from the nearest ER/ urgent care so I had a bit of time to kill waiting while my husband got the house in order- hence the post. My husband thought it funny as well :p

We went to urgent care because it wouldn't stop bleeding. Long story short finger is fine thanks to liquid stitches!
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stupid question but did u cut him at laugh at him... as long as your better that's all that matters.
Glad to hear it wasn't too bad. All the way to the bone is very painful. I know. Lost conciousness from the pain. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery.
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Nope, didn't cut my husband- just myself. There was a lot of blood but the pain was only minor. Worst part was, as always, the long drive to town.

And! Since I nicked my pointer finger I can still play my gameboy :)

Home now!

Will probably do the TT festival Thursday night.