time travle?


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2009
my cousin set the date to 7/4/2020 and saved but then put the date back to normal.will anything happen to his character and or town?
Tons of Weeds, you're Character will have Bed Head Hair, and some of your neighbors will move away.
Like everyone else said:
+ Bed Head Hair (Crazy)
+ Weeds
+ Lost of neighbors.
+ Some things won't be available for a bit (I.E. like Red Turnips from Joan).
I also heard that if you time travel a lot nook will only buy turnips for a small amount
Like everyone else said:
+ Bed Head Hair (Crazy) - Fix-able (although its nice w/out it)
+ Weeds- Get wisp Asap... (TT if u have to i mean it wont matter to just TT a few days to get him)
+ Lost of neighbors.- Good luck fixing that
+ Some things won't be available for a bit (I.E. like Red Turnips from Joan).- Can be worse

I added my opinion but these are from the guy who posted above
Bed Head, wee,ds cockroaches, some ppl will move out...Yea.