
f l a s h

festive grandpa
Jun 14, 2018
i’m curious bc after the release of this new horizons i’ve seen a lot of arguments about timeskipping and how it hurts/helps you, especially with the slow pace of the game now. what’s your opinion on timeskipping and is it worth it?

edit: please don’t be rude. i’m just curious about your personal preference! i may or may not be trying to decide to timeskip or not.
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i think honestly it's up to the individual obviously, but i personally didn't start time traveling until i'd gotten past the campsite + able sisters. this was enough to make me feel like i truly watched my island upgrade, and i shifted my focus towards getting villagers rapidly! even when tting i didn't want to add bugs/fish/fossils i found into my museum cuz i wanted to do that stuff more gradually and day-by-day to make it feel more satisfying to me! i don't really care if other people tt/if they don't as long as it makes them happy and they know what they're doing! it was worth it to me imo because getting all my villagers was really important to me and i hated the idea of having to wait so long to cycle them out naturally/only be able to invite one per irl day
Some people just don't like it because Animal Crossing is designed to be played in real time, however the game is yours, so play it how you want. I personally don't like time travelling, but I'm not against doing it if I need or want to.

If people give you crap for time travelling, just give em' the 'lol ok bye' and move on.
I think people should do what they want with their game. That being said, I am not interested in TT-ing for this installment of the series (even though it is attractive for design the island). I've always found that I have a better time when I play the game as intended.
Animal crossing is a game thats paid by people's money so in a way it should be played by the user how ever they want... And also I dont mean to sound rude but everytime I click on this forum there is always a topic about TT and none TTers.... It really doesnt matter =)
I'd be careful with this though, lately I've seen that if you share a negative opinion about time travelling, time travelers seem to take it as a personal attack towards themselves for some strange reason. =(

I used to time travel in new leaf on occasion, but I've chosen to not time travel in this game. I think playing this game at a natural pace is a super relaxing thing. When I run out of things to do in this game, I simply turn it off and go enjoy some of my other hobbies until the next day. While I wouldn't outright call time traveling "cheating", I do believe it's manipulating the system. (what is what you are literally doing when time traveling). It can have some negative impacts on other people in the animal crossing community as well. Like posting up items for sale in the marketplace that the general player base doesn't even have access to yet, and trying to make a huge profit off of that. Or even posting up photos of your super advanced town and potentially spoiling someone on what is coming up in the game that they haven't experienced yet. When all is said and done though, I'm not going to be mean to anyone who time travels and it's really up to each individual as to how they choose to play their game.
I'd be careful with this though, lately I've seen that if you share a negative opinion about time travelling, time travelers seem to take it as a personal attack towards themselves for some strange reason. =(

I used to time travel in new leaf on occasion, but I've chosen to not time travel in this game. I think playing this game at a natural pace is a super relaxing thing. When I run out of things to do in this game, I simply turn it off and go enjoy some of my other hobbies until the next day. While I wouldn't outright call time traveling "cheating", I do believe it's manipulating the system. (what is what you are literally doing when time traveling). It can have some negative impacts on other people in the animal crossing community as well. Like posting up items for sale in the marketplace that the general player base doesn't even have access to yet, and trying to make a huge profit off of that. Or even posting up photos of your super advanced town and potentially spoiling someone on what is coming up in the game that they haven't experienced yet. When all is said and done though, I'm not going to be mean to anyone who time travels and it's really up to each individual as to how they choose to play their game.
i think the biggest thing i personally saw w/ it when the game released was people who already had terraforming/house upgrades making other people feel lesser accidentally! i agree though even if you don't ~mean~ to have a negative effect on others w/ it sometimes you can
The only opinion I have of it is that people asking about "time skipping" generally appear to be new to the series, as we've called it time travelling or TT'ing for years in the community. Time travelling sounds so much cooler. And I'm sure the general consensus is that everyone can play however they want, because, on TBT at least, it has been a massive part of a lot of people's gameplay for years.
When you timeskip you're removing a vital element of the game, which is slow day-by-day progress where the rest of the day is filled with you working on your town/island, collecting items and becoming closer with your animal villagers. I imagine timeskippers as people who play a lot of video games, those who think "I earned the bells, I deserve the reward now". But the opposite doesn't make Animal Crossing like a mobile game, it's just that progress is not the main element of the game in my opinion. You exist to relax and connect.

Play your singleplayer game however you like, but when you leave the game to change console settings you're not playing differently, you cheat the game. I often do this by closing games and reloading my save files, but for me it destroys the purpose of Animal Crossing. It's one thing to go back in time to release day and skip to present time if you're meticulous, but skipping ahead to the reward is just self-defeating in my opinion. Give yourself the opportunity to fall in love with your island and being happy with your continuous progress.
I don't mind it, it really depends on the players' preference tbh, if they want it fast paced (which is totally not Animal Crossing's style) then so be it, no shame in that, let them play how they want to play it since it's their game and they paid for it thus they could do whatever they want with it