Tinnitus and balloons...


Delicate Yet Exotic
Jan 13, 2014
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Orange (Fruit)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
I hate having tinnitus... I recently found the word for it and I'm glad I'm not just crazy lol

But it makes looking for balloons TERRIBLE--half the time I hear a balloon and it's not there;; ugh...
I have tinnitus as well and yes, I agree that you hear things that you think are there, but isn't.

What I do is to run south, then pan the camera up the sky. That way, I have a wider field of view of the background. Or just look for a balloon shadow.
I have tinnitus as well and yes, I agree that you hear things that you think are there, but isn't.

What I do is to run south, then pan the camera up the sky. That way, I have a wider field of view of the background. Or just look for a balloon shadow.
That's a good idea!! ^^
I don't have tinnitus and even I find I hear balloons that aren't there so I could only imagine it's worth with it. Sorry D:
I do that south trick with the camera pointed up like the above user mentioned and it works!
I have tinnitus too, but it doesn’t sound like balloons. Like the previous poster I sometimes think I hear balloons that aren’t there and sometimes I think I hear shooting stars but it’s not from my tinnitus
Now I just look at the clock. If it has been 10 min since the last normal colored ballon it's probably a normal balloon. But if its anything between then it's probably a bunny balloon
Well, tinnitus or not, last year's Bunny Day really had a major impact on my ears. The constant whooshing sound of the balloons have been permanently burned into my ears. I even hear whooshing on occasion even when the game's closed. :p
I hear the balloons constantly... even when they're not there. >.< I wish the Bunny Day balloons had a different sound. I know it wouldn't be as immersive but at least it would be easy to ignore if you didn't want sky eggs.