Today is September 11th


Retired Staff
Jan 15, 2005
Throwback Tickets
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
In case none of you knew, 4 years ago today, terrorists from the group Al-Qaida attacked New York City and Washington D.S. with hijacked commercial jets. Two of them were flown in to each tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Both towers completely collapsed. In Washington D.C. another jet was flown in to the Western Wing of the Pentagon. A fourth plane was hijacked, but the passengers were able to stop the terrorists from destroying any buildings, although all those on board died when the plane crashed in to a field.

Some stats worth looking at:

Please discuss this here. As a note, if I see anyone making inappropriate comments, I will personally ban them for 3 days. I don't care if I have the authorization or not.
Mino, you can make that a 5 day ban. it would be terrible to see anyone talking about this date as a joke, or anything of the such. Those stats are amazing. The amount of death was catostrophic. I know someone who lost a good friend in the Towers, and it was hard for her to get over.
It truely is a sad time and one of the things that we will remember the rest of our lives. I just hope this sort of thing doesn't happen again.

But I think we also need to remeber those who fought in Iraq and who died there because this is the event that sent them there.

I have a friend who lost his older brother in the war, and I fear he is scared for life now.
the ood thing is Disney world is probaly having a parade calling it one of the happiests events on earth. (they do that every day I think)
Yeah, I still remember that day, I was in 5th grade by that.

lets all give a minute of silence for all those who died in that terrorist attack.

*is silent for one minute*
if you knew any1 in there like i did plz go pray for them it was a sad sad tragety plz
one the day that the event occured I moving to another house and then I heard it on the radio
I have video of what happen in my cumputer

ZERO_13 said:
Yeah, I still remember that day, I was in 5th grade by that.

lets all give a minute of silence for all those who died in that terrorist attack.

*is silent for one minute*
i so rmb that

i was in 4trh or 5th(back in the days of recess)

and we were in line and a girl shouted that the twin towers had just been hit (i had no clue what the twin towers were at the time) so i thought she was just messing around

so then my neighbors mom drives me home alot

and she said something about it
(so i knew now it wasnt a joke)

i came home it was all over the news

it truley was a sad day
im still not over it and every 9?11 our whole family dads side and moms go and pray with a big memorial we had him with a huge tomestine it says on his tome stone brother friend uncle husband this is a tradgety that we lost this great man i have to go at 4 ill be back at 8.
Yes, this was definetly one of America's darkest hours. Almost 3,000 people dead. I never believed that anything like this could happen to us, but me, and a lot of others, had realized that we are not invincible. We are vulnerable sometimes. I am glad that we have gone out into the Middle East to stop terrorism, we should make them pay for what they've done to our country, and others as well.
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:
Yes, this was definetly one of America's darkest hours. Almost 3,000 people dead. I never believed that anything like this could happen to us, but me, and a lot of others, had realized that we are not invincible. We are vulnerable sometimes. I am glad that we have gone out into the Middle East to stop terrorism, we should make them pay for what they've done to our country, and others as well.
you are right
i never had any grandparents either only a grandma that died when i was in 1st grade
