Cycling Together Rescue Towns

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I don't have a ton of time right now, but I have set up my broken town for cycling! I figured someone might appreciate it. Rules are posted, let me know if you'd like Camofrog :)
Hey! Bettina just pinged me, and I'd like to TT her into boxes for you. c: if that's all right, of course!
Hey! Bettina just pinged me, and I'd like to TT her into boxes for you. c: if that's all right, of course!

I am actually full up right now! I'm not sure when I'll get another spot :( But Bettina is such a cute little French chef, I hope she finds a home!
Oh no! D: in that case I'll have to void her :c hope she goes to some unsuspecting idiot I streetpass tomorrow xD
Aw man! I'd take Paula but I already had her and I need room for dreamies ;-; good luck!
Aw man! I'd take Paula but I already had her and I need room for dreamies ;-; good luck!

That's okay! She's a great Uchi, so much like a big bearish big sister :) I'm glad you got to have one, too :)

Also, PSA, the shirt she's wearing is awful. I'm trying to get her to change it, but it's not working :p
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