Tons of new dialogue since the update?


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2020
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
Eerie Star Potion
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Orange (Fruit)
I'd consider myself someone who talks to my villagers a lot. As I've posted before, you have to talk to them several times in a row to get unique dialogue. So I did...

But since the update, I'm getting TONS of brand new dialogue, without having to spam chat. Of 20 or so conversations, 3 are ones I remember reading before.

Is anyone else noticing this? With how much this forum asks for new dialogue, I expected to see people talking about this apparent change... But no one is. It's REALLY noticeable. And I'm not talking about event specific dialogue. Just normal stuff.
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Zell said something different to me right after I updated. I'll have to talk to all my villagers tomorrow and see if they have new dialog too.

I was watching a you tuber do a live stream on Festivale. He was surprised when he had a snowball appear. I never get snowballs unless I clear a space. I'm getting them now in my farm area. That's never happened before. This happened right after I updated.
None for me.

They are still only telling me what my wife's character did, and telling her what I did.
I talked to 3 different villagers. Wolfgang said nothing but starter dialogue, talking about visitors and my second character. Dobie the same way for most of it, the only one that I have never heard was how he prefers moonlight over sunlight, not sure if that's new though. Olivia I think had a few new dialogue? Does everyone's snooty talk about buying 4 blowtorches on a "two for one sale" shopping trip? That was definitely new to me and it cracked me up hahaha.

Maybe there were some new additions, but it doesn't feel like it was overhauled.

Edit: Got a new one (I think) from my two smugs, Kyle and Eugene, but they branched off into different directions surprisingly! It was about imagining our futures together. While Kyle was panicking at the thought of being into wearing bandannas, Eugene talked about being successful but still reassuring that I'll always have a special place in his heart. I talk to these two all the time so I want to say this is new as they've never talked this way before.
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That's great to hear if it's the case! I still talk to my villagers most days I play so I'm interested to see if it's noticeable
Talked to three relatively new villagers (can give gifts but haven't been asked about catchphrases etc for most) and still got starter dialogue, although it was only one each instead of the normal 3-5 prattle in used to.
Raddle did request a dragonfly when I spoke to him a third time (first was regular greeting, second was me giving a gift).
I talked to 3 different villagers. Wolfgang said nothing but starter dialogue, talking about visitors and my second character. Dobie the same way for most of it, the only one that I have never heard was how he prefers moonlight over sunlight, not sure if that's new though. Olivia I think had a few new dialogue? Does everyone's snooty talk about buying 4 blowtorches on a "two for one sale" shopping trip? That was definitely new to me and it cracked me up hahaha.

Maybe there were some new additions, but it doesn't feel like it was overhauled.

Edit: Got a new one (I think) from my two smugs, Kyle and Eugene, but they branched off into different directions surprisingly! It was about imagining our futures together. While Kyle was panicking at the thought of being into wearing bandannas, Eugene talked about being successful but still reassuring that I'll always have a special place in his heart. I talk to these two all the time so I want to say this is new as they've never talked this way before.
I've got that dialog (it's when you join a combo between two villagers, right?) before. The talk about their futures is a dialog I've seen between Fang and Alfonso, too.
I've got that dialog (it's when you join a combo between two villagers, right?) before. The talk about their futures is a dialog I've seen between Fang and Alfonso, too.

No, it was just a normal one-on-one conversation I had with them separately. 😮
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Does everyone's snooty talk about buying 4 blowtorches on a "two for one sale" shopping trip? That was definitely new to me and it cracked me up hahaha.

That one is very familiar to me. I think that's one of those varied dialogues where they can replace blowtorches will another random object.
I noticed one I never saw before, Vivian said she wanted a life on the catwalk but realised how boring it would be to walk in a straight line and turn only once. I've never seen it before but I don't actually talk to my villagers that often because of how much they say the same thing over and over. Other than this, everything has been the same old so far
I think the Isabelle news broadcast of her forgetting to charge her phone is new? At least I don’t recall reading it before..
Unfortunately I tested this and didn't see anything new from my villagers. I hope they actually did add new dialogue though and I'm just not lucky enough to see it yet.

I think the Isabelle news broadcast of her forgetting to charge her phone is new? At least I don’t recall reading it before..

I don't think that one is new. I've seen it quite a few times.
A bit of a cross-post but there was discussion of this in one of the update threads.
@Mick compared the datamines between the recent version and past one and found no differences in how dialog works.
Link to the full post here.
I think the Isabelle news broadcast of her forgetting to charge her phone is new? At least I don’t recall reading it before..

From the dialogue dump, which appears to have been last updated in v1.5, we can see that line about charging the phone is in there.

I got a few new dialogues from my villagers after the update. Although, I am best friends with almost all of them and have most of their photos so I’m not sure if that has any effect. :)