Too bad there's no Club Tortimer 2

I feel like this is a feature they would not remove since it fits great with the whole new horizons island idea.

Seeing how easy CT was to exploit, I'm not sure they'd bring it back the way it was. The mini-games I can see coming back, but not the island.
Not gonna lie, I didn't use Club Tortimer that often. Of course, I used my island plenty. But the actual Club Tortimer part, where you went to an online island with random players, was not something I enjoyed. I love playing AC multiplayer, but on Club Tortimer I always ran into people who were weirdly confrontational for no apparent reason lol.
I rarely went to the island to play the mini games and I only went to the online island less than 5 times. I hope however they do bring at least the mini games back...I feel like if not this then maybe they have a completely new idea. Seems weird they allow 8 people in a town, but didn't add anything to do. You can't do much so I am hoping they added some type of mini games.
i?m holding onto hope - i really hope it?ll make a return as it was a lot of fun!
Personally, I never really used club tortimer because I didn't have anyone to play with, but now my friends are finally getting into the game and I'm a little bummed about not being able to use it.

It's possible that there is more multiplayer games but they're just keeping it a secret until release.. or maybe they'll add it later.
I hope at least one island can be farmed for expensive beetles and sharks.
I hope at least one island can be farmed for expensive beetles and sharks.

ditto. that was the best way for me to make money in new leaf and i definitely hope itโ€™s still an option