My top 10 would have to be:
1) Snake!! - He's in my first ever NL town, and I've always had a soft spot for jocks. Snake is so nice and has the funniest conversations with other villagers, plus he was at my birthday party.
2) Chief - Tbh I think he might be #1, but I'm not sure!! But, I absolutely LOVEE Chief. Even though he's a cranky, he's extremely sweet and likes to pawn off things to me, plus his house looks pretty cool. I also really love the wolves, and Chief has one of the best wolf appearances, IMO. Also he's up until like 2 am when I play sometimes.
3) Chadder - He isn't very well known, which makes me kinda sad, because he's such a cutie!! I LOVE his little tuxedo, and his house is pretty cool looking. Also, he's based off of cheese. Who doesn't like cheese?
4) Flurry - Flurry is SO. CUTE. She was my first camper ever, and even though I had never seen her before, she was too cute to pass up and I invited her to move with me! She's also REALLY nice, she always seems to be giving me things and her house is super cute.
5) Marshal - Even though I've only had him for about a week, I really love Marshal. He is so adorable and the smugs are honestly so nice. Also, he asked for a doll for Christmas, which I think is super cute!
6) Beau - I've always had a strange love for Beau. He is possibly one of the cutest lazies I've seen, and I get SO excited whenever I see him in-game. Plus he's really kind. (I say that a lot lol)
7) Kiki - Even though I've never had Kiki in my game (aside from her popping up in town resets), I think she's really adorable! Plus, she reminds me of Kiki's Delivery Service (I think she was based off of it?), which I watched a TON OF growing up.
8) Flora - She's a pink flamingo. Well, an ostrich technically, but she looks like a flamingo. She's one of my original starters, and her house is really adorable! I admit, I didn't really like Flora at first, mostly because I hated peppies, but she's grown on me and I really love how energetic she is.
9) Shari - Chuggaconroy. Enough said.
10) Stinky - Same as Shari.