Hi, buy, bye
I was gonna mention how it's basically a bad version of mario party, but I see that's been said.
With Happy Home Designer, at least the Amiibo are not absolutely necessary. And HHD seems to have more thought and development put into it than AF.
A lot of people in this thread have made a lot of good points. I'm somebody that was holding out for an Animal Crossing Wii U... and when I saw the Amiibo Festival trailer at E3 2015 my heart just sunk. I knew the dream was dead. What we were getting was just such a disappointment and it was so obvious to understand why. There are so many small changes they could have made to this game to make it accessible and interesting, but instead it just seemed like a complete cash grab. I hadn't been so disappointed in something related to gaming in a long time...
But in the end, that move drove me towards sucking it up and finally grabbin' a 3DS and games to go with it. Now, New Leaf is my favourite AC game of all time. Let's say they WERE working on a Wii U game that got "modified" into AF... well if Amiibo Festival's existence means that instead we're going to get an NX AC game closer to the NX's launch (rather than having to wait later into it's lifecycle to get a next next level one) that's fine with me. I do feel for all of you veterans though that've had New Leaf since release years ago... probably just can't wait for the next game!