I had the most trouble with Biology. This is partly due to the fact that my teacher didn't really teach us and instead relied on the textbooks (meaning she just assigned us stuff in the book and move on). I wish she explained things more in-depth and it's a pain to learn in general.
I wasn't bad in any of the subjects I was in but the one I enjoyed the least was biology. Just didn't catch my attention.
Although when my tech/shop class turned into a 100% tech class after my *awesome* teacher retired, I was pretty bad at building and programming VEX robots. Definitely not something I'm into.
English. I'd always get really good results on the mock papers, but the actual papers were completely different from the ones we practiced with. I'd mess up completely on the papers.
any type of math. I just can't really grasp it quite like other people. In my senior year of highschool I took Pre-Cal. I went before and after school to tutorials many times a week for about a month, until my teacher politely told me maybe I should do the dumb**** math class instead. I failed college algebra once in college. Truly a pitiful class to fail.