Bump! :3
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Dreamies: Walker, Nana*, Muffy*, Marcie*, Marina, Poncho, Miranda*, Pompom*, Klaus*
Town + Mayor Name: Kantova, Ferah
Friend Code: 5086-3014-5381 (if possible, my DA is 4500-4376-1891. Totally optional, but I'd totally be cool with paying extra for it ><)
Background And Add On's:
Chibi Details:
- I have the obtained dreamies marked with a star. Would it be possible to have them with a perfect pear/regular pear?
- Also Poncho is my favorite >w<
Rules Password: I love pizza with olives
Sure no problem! On it! Could you please pay the specified amount?
Will do right now
Bump for you c:
Never mind.
Instead of dreamies on my siggy, would I be able to get my current residents and who I wanna keep, who I'm willing to trade and my one dreamie?
I'd be happy to pay extra.