Totaly New here with a Few questions


Senior Member
May 11, 2009
Okay so how do I find out what my friend code is so I can put it in my profile, I know my town name and character name.

Also do we both have to add each other in order to connect for EXP:

Person A has town open for people to come in and visit, Person B wants to come and visit the Town and hang out,
Person B Has to have person A's friend code to visit their town as well as the town name??or just the town name?

Does A have to have B added to let B into their town?

I know these are stupid questions to most, but I have no idea how animal crossing works atm, I am used to games where anyone could come play with eachother, you didnt have to have friend codes to play with other, this game seems to require it.
Both players have to have each other added in order to play with each other. The friends code can be obtained through the guard on the RIGHT of the gate (located north of town) . I forgot his name but I'm sure his name IS NOT BOOKER. When on the friends adding screen you will be asked to put in a friend code which is made up of 12 #s. Once that is complete you will be asked to put in the name of the person and then their town name. Once both players have added each other, 1 may open their gate and the other may join.

Hope that helped!
Thanks, now to find friends. I spent 3 hours making designs for cloths and a Flag for my town, walked outside and the shop was closed, need to go back in and make copies of everything, worked hard on some of them, 1 umbrella design looks amazing, and ive got military ACU if anyone is intrested :D lol Army and Airforce colors atm. :X