Cycling ~Toupie~ NEW: Tiffany

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Sorry Sibero, someone reserved Lobo before you. Would you like me to future-reserve him for if he comes back?
My bad! I didn’t see that somebody had reserved him. That’s okay :) I’m sure I’ll find him elsewhere
sorry for the trouble but can i change my future reserve to Lolly instead?
If you ever get dierdree could you reserve her for me? Thanks!! (Just wondering if we have to pay tbt if so then how much? ;-;
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can i claim Bam ?

also you can remove my pre-reserve for Lolly !
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Thank you for reserving Genji for me~ Also, you can unreserve Poppy for me!!!
Daisy has been picked up!

This cycle, Tipper is ready to move out, so Hat, your villager is ready!
Plus, the ever-cute Drake has moved in!
Tipper has found her dream town.

Bam is already ready to leave! He's reserved though.
New to town is Sydney!
I'm sorry to report I'm no longer really interested in keeping up this cycling town and my 3DS appears to be a little fragile lately anyway. Thanks to everyone who has patronised and I promise I will be active in the community and providing services of some description when Switch comes out!!
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