Town Attractions Thread


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
Well, our Town Meeting Thread is not used as much as I thought it would. Know why? Because it seems people don't know much about your town! So here is your chance for your town to shine! It will go like this as a form:

Town: (Your town)
Residents: (Your occupents)
Then here, you will put somthing that would be attractive for visitors for example
Rivers: Its is bustiling with fish.
Fruits: We have all but apples!
Nook Store: Nookway

And so on.... so I will do mine first to be more specific.

Town: Syton
Residents: Kolvo (just me!)
Rivers: I have my river split in 3, so there is a little island, which is great for fishing, which you can circle.
Nook Store: Nook's Cranny (its a new town! I got rid of my other... name change O.K.?)
Fruits: I have cherries, but oranges are developing with coconuts.
House Size: Smallest you can get. :\
Must-See Furniture/Set!: Triforce
Town Tune: Bianco Hills (first few notes) from the game Super Mario Sunshine

P.S. Highlited in blue is my actual info, highlited in green is the examples and directions
Town: Spatvile
Residents: Tyler
Attractions: My orchard, My complete house, Muuseum.
River: Just a plain old river that divedes the town in half.
Fruits: Everything
House Size: Mansion
Nooks Store: Nookingtons
Must See Furniture: Throne, Blue Falcon, and Pikmin (I am not a I got it from another . :yes: )
Town Tune: Forget the song name.

Town: Anmltown
Residents: Micah, Caleb, Anne, Hoeler
Animals: Teddy, PeeWee, Pate, Maple, Anchovy, Hugh, Portia
Attractions: Great layout for playing hide and seek. HUGE flower garden!
River: Heads straight down, then turns left for a little fishing pier (it's sweet!)
Fruits: Cherries, coconuts
House Size: Second floor
Nook's Store: Second to largest (Nookway)
Must See Furniture: Complete snowman series, Cafe in upstairs!
Town Tune: Catchy one I made up or POTC theme

Town: Noki Bay
Residents: Nick
Attractions: Alot of Royal Crowns and Rainbow Feathers, money Trees, Summertime, Lucky Clover Garden, my house
River: Really Curvy, great angles for fishing. Summer fish!
Bugs: Summer Bugs!
Fruits: Everything and more.
House Size: Mansion
Nooks Store: Nookingtons
Must See Furniture: All Mario items.
Town Tune: Song of Storms
Town: Hyrule
Residents: Trav
Attractions: A great town for fishing, exploring, bug catching, and tag!
River: a curvy river that splits my town into 3-4 islands!
Fruits: all of them

House size: Mansion
Nooks store: Nookingtons
Must see furniture: 5 full sets: mario, ranch, snowman, modern, and music, and then there is my bar in my north room!
Town tune: Song of storms
Town: Asgard

Residents: Beth (myself), Laura (my sister)
Attractions: All important buildings on one side of town!

River: At left edge of town, two neighbors live there

Fruits: All of them. Lots of fruit on the ground. It's free!
House Size: Second floor

Nook Store: Nookingtons! Not even a week old!

Must- See furniture- Japanese Room(incomplete), Snowman set (complete) Bonfire! Some camping items

Town Tune- Prelude to Light
Residents: Mark,Otto Gretchen,Storage
Rivers: diveds town and keeps lava away from one side of town
Fruits: We have all!
Nook Store: Nookingtons
Little known fact: Terrabay conquered Mesopotamia! YAY!
Attractions:Towntheme(Laharland),town shape,almost finished fossil exhibit, Sacred garden.
Town: Onett
Residents: Fish, Bug, Ness, King.
Rivers: a run of the mill river, and we wouldn't have it any other way. : )
Nook: Nookingtons, as of December 05'
Museum: Every fish/bug availible from winter.
Fruit: Everything except Peaches and Pears... i have everything good. >_>
House size: Mansion
inside house: My backroom is so cool, you can't even speak of it, pretty rare stuff.
Town Tune: some random tune i got...
Coolest thing outside of house: Cedar Heights.
Town: Nowhere
Residents: Bekola(me)
attractions: space area(under construction)
quiet place(mine!)
and coconuts!
AND I have treasure hunts!
Fruits: we have pears and coconuts!
Nook Store: Nookway
house size: 2nd smallest
