Cycling Town of Dauntles

I will try! Right now I am not cycling to try and hold Purrl :) Figures she moved the day after an event so I never got pinged!
I can pick her up now! I TTed Mitzi out (although I'm kinda sad that she was the one moving.) and I now have 9 villagers so I'm able to!
No problem! You added the Dauntless FC on page one? I'll add you and open my gates now

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Gate is open!
Let me close the gates and check

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Re-opened. It says you're my friend now. Maybe I opened too soon. Sorry!

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Purrl adopted. Cycling!
I am trying to find him so I can TT to his moving date... Poptarter you get him as long as you're online when he's in boxes
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Sorry for the delay folks, had some personal things come up... he's now in boxes. First able to come get him can have him.