Town open. I need fruit. I have pears!

Toby's selling something at RT right now, he'll be out in a bit.

@Ang- Sounds good, you have time.
Fair enough :) yeah guys I'll be on all night anyway so no rush, Chikubi, you okay for me to visit yours now?
Oh man, I'm so sorry. I thought I fixed this, but, it's takin' a dump again. Not sure if it's working now, but...
Alright, I'll be on for the next hour and a half, just PM me if you get it working buddy.
I'm good on apples, but I could use the oranges! I have to leave in a half hour, so I'm adding you right now.

EDIT; town open. :3

we'll try again some other time. I should be back around midnight PST.
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I have peaches and apples. I'd love to come visit. Friend code: 2938 6667 9680
name: Buffy

let me know