I know hacking isin't welcomed here on TBT so i want to get my answers and never ever talk about this again (unless its a state of emergency...for me).
If you download the towntool kit do you need the homebrew channel cause they say you need to download a save extractor file and a save reload file(or somethiing like that) to your computer so, do you need the homebrew channel for the town tool kit? cause im scouring the web to get as much info on it as possible and learn the pros/cons about it?
also what you need to download to use the town tool kit?
Never mind, forget, whatever T_T , if i'll be shunned by the community just cause i was asking a couple questions then fine i don't care anymore, LET THIS TOPIC DIE
If you download the towntool kit do you need the homebrew channel cause they say you need to download a save extractor file and a save reload file(or somethiing like that) to your computer so, do you need the homebrew channel for the town tool kit? cause im scouring the web to get as much info on it as possible and learn the pros/cons about it?
also what you need to download to use the town tool kit?
Never mind, forget, whatever T_T , if i'll be shunned by the community just cause i was asking a couple questions then fine i don't care anymore, LET THIS TOPIC DIE