Toy Day event details (spoilers) (updated 12-21 with additional info)


Senior Member
May 2, 2020
Spoilers if you don't want to know anything about the Toy Day event.

Some of you may have seen this floating around, but I hadn't seen it posted here yet (apologies if someone posted it and I missed it).

Assuming this is correct, unless something changes last minute, it appears Toy Day will not incorporate the toy items that were added to the game this month. You can deliver the the gifts Jingle gives you in any order, and it sounds like the villagers don't open them in front of you (the datamine has shown the gifts are just wrapped fruit).

I think I will now try to give all my villagers toys since they aren't getting anything special from Jingle, but I wonder if that will even be possible on Toy Day, as the gifting option is usually not available during events.

It sounds like Nintendo has simplified this a lot from New Leaf, I suppose to cater to more casual players. Thoughts?

UPDATE 12/21: In addition to the event, you will be able to exchange gifts with your villagers on Toy Day if you choose to (they may display these in their house as they do normal gifts). There is special dialogue for it and they will gift you a toy day item.

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Kinda disappointing compared to how it was in NL lol, I really liked finding out what my villagers wanted them gifting the correct gifts to them on the 24th

Not terrible, just a little underwhelming

But I understand the NL version was a lot of work, especially if you're busy around the holidays, so I guess it goes both ways.
I'm really happy that the gifts are just wrapped fruit! :D

I suppose if you want to give your villagers something more special for Christmas, you can do so based on their favorite style and colors the day before or after the event.
Thanks for that!

I like knowing what to do, so I don't mess anything up. :)
has anyone found out yet whether or not you can keep the santa sack? i know in NL you could if you delivered the presents but didn't return the sack to jingle. i wonder if that'll still be the case here or if it'll just magically disappear from your inventory the following day whether you return it to him or not.
Oooh thanks, this is great to know! Someone mentioned handing out gifts to me the other day and I panicked thinking I hadn't ordered enough of the toy day items. What a relief!
I'm a little bummed that this event has been simplified. Somehow it felt like this wasn't originally the case and changes were made along the way, most probably because of the pandemic. It's Toy Day, yet the toys serve no actual purpose at all (on the event itself).

On the bright side, there is no fear of messing up.
It seems easy enough. I don't mind the simplicity of it. I just know I'm gonna take as many pictures with the magic bag till I have to hand it back.
i wish early on it would have been clarified that the toys we get in the shop arent really needed because ive been buying quite a bit of them lol

but honestly i quite like this! i like that theres no room really for errors because on christmas i dont want to be bummed or stressed out
Thanks for this guide!

Are the stockings mentioned in the guide the ones on sale at Nooks Cranny or will Jingle give us a different stocking to hang up?

Edit: cancel that. I see the special stockings in the guide image. I will have to make room for them.
Not sure if you guys know it already, but you should hang the Christmas stocking inside your house to get something very special from Jingle on the 25th (check the stockings on that day to get your present; you can only get it on the 25th)
Added an update to the original post - In addition to the event, you will be able to exchange gifts with your villagers on Toy Day if you choose to (they may display these in their house as they do normal gifts). There is special dialogue for it and they will gift you a toy day item.

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waiiiit a second. so NONE of the new toy day furniture (like the rc helecoptor and tent) are needed? omg i wasted so many bells trying to collect these just in case...
waiiiit a second. so NONE of the new toy day furniture (like the rc helecoptor and tent) are needed? omg i wasted so many bells trying to collect these just in case...

The toys are not needed for the event with Jingle, but you can exchange gifts with your villagers (separate from the event).
Interesting that Toy Day in New Horizons is so simple compared how it was in New Leaf. I remember how I tried to collect all the hints from my villagers and still somehow messed it up at the end. 😅 I actually like this new version of Toy Day.

Not sure if you guys know it already, but you should hang the Christmas stocking inside your house to get something very special from Jingle on the 25th (check the stockings on that day to get your present; you can only get it on the 25th)
Oh, I didn't know about this, sounds exciting!
Oh my gosh I’m excited!!! I’m so happy it’s wrapped fruit. I played toy day ONCE in New Leaf and ruined Rosie’s house forever with a kiddie pool D: