North America Trading S1-4 + WA! H: Ankha, Lucky, Merengue, Marina, WA, LF: Dobie & Beau

Hi there! I have looked through your list, and this is my takeaway.

I am mostly interested in the following cards:
163 - Ed
289 - Boomer
385 - Lucky

I am also interested in these, but not as much as the three above:
125 - Gwen
154 - Rhonda
182 - Alice
227 - Rodeo

Also, you have a card listed as "135 - Queenie", but card #135 is actually Phoebe, which I could be interested in. Which card is it actually?

The cards I have to offer you are sadly not in your actively sought set, but they are missing to your collection:
167 - Beau (He is one of my most requested villagers on the trading board, so I'd request several cards in exchange for this one.)
353 - Elise
393 - Frobert

Thanks a lot and let me know if you're interested in trading!
Hihi! I have Pascal, Bluebear, kiki, Bangle, Deirdre, Benjamin, Freckles, Antonio, and Sly!
Hello! I have 32 Admiral and 42 Gonzo, they are Japanese versions. I am interested in 02 Hopkins and 14 Ketchup.
10 - Pascal
30 - Tiffany
63 - Mint
66 - Gruff
92 - Henry
308 - Leilani
122 Lucha
196 Freya
385 Lucky?
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Hihi! I'm super interested in Lucky, he's the last card I'm looking for, I do have 240 Deidre is that the one you are looking for? I do also have several of the numbered non-WA ones as well, but I wasn't sure which ones I should offer first for Lucky lol!
hey I have 138, 183, 228 and 353 and I was interested in 140, 144, 156, and 197! PM me:)
WA 04 Piper for your WA 20 Billy?
Hiya would you be willing to trade Ketchup or Ankha (long shots, I know lol) for WA 42 Gonzo?
OP hasn't been on in 3 weeks. We might not get replies anytime soon.