Selling [Trading] sanrio posters for nook tickets + flowers


Oct 4, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Skull Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Skull Glow Wand
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Skull Glow Wand
Spirit Candy: Wix
Spirit Candy: Wix
Spirit Candy: Wix
Spirit Candy: Wix
Spirit Candy: Wix
100% (586) +
looking to trade the sanrio posters, primarily for nook tickets and hybrids (lilies, roses, mums). i also have all of the other villagers & NPCs, so feel free to ask for those too. no more than five at a time please, so either the sanrio set or five misc villagers.

if you don't have NMT or flowers, i'd also consider:
  • igb (20k/villager, 150k for all six sanrio characters)
  • star fragments
  • tbt

feel free to make offers of other things within reason as well. also keep in mind i have to order these five at a time and then TT day by day to gather them, so it'll take some time for me to get back to you. i'll send a PM and a dodo code when they're ready!

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Hi! How many bells per villager pic? I'm looking Buck, Lucky, Marina, and Static! I'm not sure if Lyle has one too, but if he does I'd be interested in buying it.
How much would you want for all the sanrio posters and all the cat villager posters? I can do a combo of IGB and NMT if you want
Hi! How many bells per villager pic? I'm looking Buck, Lucky, Marina, and Static! I'm not sure if Lyle has one too, but if he does I'd be interested in buying it.
lyle does have one! i can do all of those for you. i'm not really sure what they're going for, how many bells would you be willing to pay for all of them?

How much would you want for all the sanrio posters and all the cat villager posters? I can do a combo of IGB and NMT if you want
hmm, not sure. i've sold some regular villager posters for 20k, so maybe a little bit more for the sanrio ones? and i'd definitely be interested in a combo of igb + nmt. how much would you be willing to offer?
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title is pretty self explanatory. i have all the posters including the sanrio characters, and i'm looking to either sell em (for in-game bells) or trade em for other stuff.

if you don't have bells, i'm primarily looking for:
  • nook miles tickets
  • roses, lilies, mums and/or violets (basic colors or hybrids)
  • also willing to accept tbt if you have none of the above

open to all offers as long as they're reasonable :)

I'm up for posters!
I got bells, miles tickets, and other things!
Yep 150k is perfect thanks very much :) PM me Dodo whenever you are free :)
how much igb for tom nook, kk, jack, brewster and all the sanrio posters?
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Hello, may I just catalog the Sanrio set? I'll still pay 150k but I don't need to keep it.

And can I order the posters for these villagers?


Sanrio (catalog) + 8 villagers= 550k

Would that be okay?

[Edit] SORRY I CAN'T DO MATH! Updated it.

[Edit 2] I have to go to bed now but I'd be down to trade tomorrow if that's okay with you!
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