Traditional art requests!

Could you please draw Apollo? Thanks for considering! c:


I suck at drawing bird type animals... sorry :-(
So cute, I love drawing with watercolor as well! :)
Maybe you could draw Alice? <:
I think it turned out really well, good job! ^-^
I actually had the same problem with her back when I tried to draw her with watercolor :D
Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you both like it... I hope I can keep improving. I started using watercolor about two weeks ago lol but I'm kinda hooked.



Please keep sending requests I'm having a lot of fun ^^

Repeat requesters is no problem too! ^^
hey!!! omg i love your artwork! i've been practicing with watercolors myself but your style is fantastic!

anyway you def don't have to do this request haha but would you be interested in drawing one of my parakeets in AC villager style? I've got some reference pics in this thread if you're interested ;) thanks for considering!
Hey! I don't want to overwhelm you if you already have a lot of requests, but you seemed to be enjoying the requests so here's mine if you're up for it: could you draw my boyfriend and I's Animal Crossing characters together? Refs >here<
Hey! I don't want to overwhelm you if you already have a lot of requests, but you seemed to be enjoying the requests so here's mine if you're up for it: could you draw my boyfriend and I's Animal Crossing characters together? Refs >here<

hey!!! omg i love your artwork! i've been practicing with watercolors myself but your style is fantastic!

anyway you def don't have to do this request haha but would you be interested in drawing one of my parakeets in AC villager style? I've got some reference pics in this thread if you're interested ;) thanks for considering!

I will clarify a point made in the OP, I said I do not want to draw OCs, but I will expand and say this includes personal mayors, drawings of you, and personal pets, I'm not doing this to be rude, but this is simply something I find more appropriate for commission.
As a side note, in the past my customers have paid me 70 dollars for full colour couple pics. The customer decided that price on their own in that instance, but I want to stress that while these are free doodles, some things are simply more appropriate for commissions, and commissions take a lot of effort.

The drawings in this thread are being used to beef up the content of my art page, and personal art does not work well to that end.

Please read the OP carefully if you wish to make a request thank you!
Oh ok you said send whatever in op so I wasn't sure haha nbd!! would you draw bill? :)
How about another Koala? Eugene!
I'm a little Alice + Eugene fan, so I just have to ask for him, haha :)
Sorry guys, not ingoring the thread, but my cat is very very unwell so I've had my mind on other things. Will be back in a bit!

(if you're curious, he went into heart failure yesterday, and then they found a large tumor in his abdomen, stabilising now but no idea if tumor is operable)
Sorry guys, not ingoring the thread, but my cat is very very unwell so I've had my mind on other things. Will be back in a bit!

(if you're curious, he went into heart failure yesterday, and then they found a large tumor in his abdomen, stabilising now but no idea if tumor is operable)

Arf, I'm sorry to hear about your cat! :(
One of my guinea pigs actually got operated a few weeks ago because of a tumor,
for now she's stabilized as well, but they don't know either, since they couldn't resist the 2nd one.
Hope your cat will be okay. If my guinea pig can do it, your cat can for sure as well <3
My cat had to be put to sleep. Don't really think I'll want to do requests for a bit.

I did redraw an old pic from a year ago tho.


Also a quick my melody lol

I'm so sorry to hear about your cat, it always sucks to put a animal to sleep. :(
I'm sure she had a great life though! How old did she become, if I may ask?

Also, lovely drawings :)