Train Station Upgrade


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2018
Special Snowflake
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
100% (189) +
So, I've started my second town, but unfortunately I have the ugly green train station that doesn't even match my yellow town hall, and it drives me nuts. Unfortunately, I don't have any visits, so I still need all 100. I don't want to pay for these, so I was wondering if I could give people visits in return for them visiting my town? I'd appreciate any help and I'll keep the number of visits I still need on the bottom of this thread.

Visits needed: 84
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I'd be happy to exchange visits but I don't think I'll be available until Sunday afternoon or evening Eastern time. If you still need visits then let me know!
maybe twice or three times. no i dont need any visits back i just want to buy some stuff in your shops if thats okay !!
So, I've started my second town, but unfortunately I have the ugly green train station that doesn't even match my yellow town hall, and it drives me nuts. Unfortunately, I don't have any visits, so I still need all 100. I don't want to pay for these, so I was wondering if I could give people visits in return for them visiting my town? I'd appreciate any help and I'll keep the number of visits I still need on the bottom of this thread.

Visits needed: 100

I'll help you out c:
I don't mind coming back and forth too!
I can do about 10 visits per night if you would like. I don't need anything in return, just trying to get my visiting badge. :)
i could visit 10 times today, and a lot on other days too :) could you visit my town too? you don't have to do it nearly as much as i visit yours, but i was unfortunate enough to get the green station in my blue themed town, lol. thanks! :)
Sorry for such a wait, everyone! Unfortunately I wasn't really in the mood to play AC and a lot of other stuff got to me. I'll accept all your offers, though!

Frogboy, unfortunately I don't have that many shops to check out. My town is pretty new, and I don't even have the Garden Shop yet.

thatsokayy, I'd be happy to visit your town as well! How many visits do you need?
only a few, maybe 5? i think i still have you added, though, so just lmk when your gates are open :)
My gates are open! We'll start with 10 visits today, and I'll give you the ones that you need!
sorry for the wait, but i've got to do some summer homework real quick. i can come back and do the 8 visits later, if that's okay?
I'd like to visit you sometime cause I also need to get the train station upgrade too! pm me for a time?