Transfering Player Data?


Deleted User

Alright, I've had AC:CF for a while already and I just barely opened it up and thumbed through the booklet.

I'm curious on Transferring Player Data from AC:WW. From what I read it transfers your characters face name, and a portion of your catalog.

What I'm wondering, is if it's safe? Also, how much of the catalog does it transfer? Does it also copy what you were wearing at the time?

I'm sure that my data in WW stays the same and I can still continue playing as if nothing happened right? Essentially just copies the data and paste it onto the Wii?
Your character in WW will remain in WW as if nothing has ever happened. You can go back and play at any time.

When transferring to CF, your character's face and hair remain the same, and your catalog remains the same except for fossils and gyroids I believe. I don't know if you will be wearing the same clothes or not, and I don't know if your pocket inventory carries over. It had been well over a year since I'd played WW, so that's why I don't know. I just know it was really easy to bring the data in from the DS and start playing.
Thanks for the info, I'm fairly sure it doesn't carry over anything you had in your Pockets. Just the catalog stuff from what I've been reading.

Reason why I was asking if it was safe was because a friend of mine said there were some problems with that feature in Aus, but not sure if it was the same for the US. I'll be giving it a try in a bit.

Thanks again though! :3
I transfered my DS character over and the only things that aren't in your catalog are the special items like snowman funiture or Saharah's stuff. (Pascal's funiture stays listed and is buyable except the wall and floor you get from him)
Clothes you're wearing in WW don't transfer over just face and hair.

Only reason the Aus version didn't work is because they had and NTSC WW game trying to transfer on a PAL edition of the game.