Pokémon Transferring Pokémon from sun to moon


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Oct 15, 2016
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Hello, I have no idea where else to post this but, I need help getting some of my Pok?mon from sun to moon. I have about 3 legendaries that are legit and untradable through GTS and Wonder Trade. I unfortunately do not have a second 3DS or 2DS. ( bought these legendaries from someone on here but I did not know it was untradabale outside of link trade ). If someone could let me link trade my legendaries to them from my sun version, then back to my moon version, that would be great. Thank you.
Do you still need any help~?
I have moon so I'm sure I can help you.
Do you still need any help~?
I have moon so I'm sure I can help you.

Apologies, my reply didn’t post for some reason. I had borrowed a friend from school’s 3DS yesterday and I was able to transfer my Pok?mon from my sun copy to my moon copy. Thank you so much though. I also could have used pokebank but I didn’t see the need to buy it when I only had 3 Pok?mon to transfer and only the 7th generation games. ( only sun and moon no x&y or any other games. )
Apologies, my reply didn’t post for some reason. I had borrowed a friend from school’s 3DS yesterday and I was able to transfer my Pok?mon from my sun copy to my moon copy. Thank you so much though. I also could have used pokebank but I didn’t see the need to buy it when I only had 3 Pok?mon to transfer and only the 7th generation games. ( only sun and moon no x&y or any other games. )

No worries~
Glad you were able to sort it out. Yeah Pokebank is only good if you want to trade through several games.
Have a good day~!