trees wont grow


Junior Member
Jul 5, 2009
my tree wont grow in animal crossing lets go to the city.
i am using non-naitiv fruit and i am also using time-skip
can some one help me!!! :'(
akirim said:
my tree wont grow in animal crossing lets go to the city.
i am using non-naitiv fruit and i am also using time-skip
can some one help me!!! :'(
Are you time traveling? If so it will die or just slow down growth.
akirim said:
my tree wont grow in animal crossing lets go to the city.
i am using non-naitiv fruit and i am also using time-skip
can some one help me!!! :'(
You have to water them. Commonsense people.
Animalcrossingwhisperer said:
akirim said:
my tree wont grow in animal crossing lets go to the city.
i am using non-naitiv fruit and i am also using time-skip
can some one help me!!! :'(
Are you time traveling? If so it will die or just slow down growth.
Actually it doesnt always die and it takes the same amount of time. Maybe your just planting it to close to something?
Guys watering dont work, and try a differnt spot, and if you really want it to grow, chop down a tree thats fully grown, and plant it in its place
HEY what's going on?! Your trees wont grow? well sir I have the simple reason why. Your "time skip" is referred to as "time traveling"! the time traveling will hinder or impair the growth of your tree. The non-native plants have nothing to do with it. GOOD LUCK and have fun!
Probly because their too close to each other.They have to be aspace away from each other.
no its not becouse its too close to some thing, it has tons of space.
and i'v heared that time travel doesnt hurt it.
and i water them after i plant them.
Mr_Hobo said:
akirim said:
my tree wont grow in animal crossing lets go to the city.
i am using non-naitiv fruit and i am also using time-skip
can some one help me!!! :'(
You have to water them. Commonsense people.
No you don't. I've planted many trees, never watering a single one, and they have grown.
First of all, time traveling doesn't do anything to the sapling in a negative way.
Second, you DON'T have to water it.
Third, you might be stepping on it, which cause it to die.
Fourth, if you dont step on it and it still dies, then your sapling don't grow EVER. (In that one spot)
Trees wont grow in placesc where fossils and gyroids appear

also i heard weeds will effect the growth as weeds in real life steal roots from other plants or something like that
1.)You don't need to water them, try a different spot and don't plant em too close to each other
2.)If you have too manny trees(yes , there is a tree limit don't know how many tho) new ones can't grow
3.)so just chop doewn some and plant em in the spots where there was a tree
`but the place were im planting one sapling is were i cut down 3 other trees.
and when i time travel one day the saplings leafs are drooped and the right one has a bite mark in it!!!